


Suggested Scripture Reading: John 17: 20 – 26

John 17:21 – Scripture Reference
” I pray that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and, I am in You. May they  also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me”    

There is strength in numbers,” is a time-worn cliche’ used to say that a group of people has more influence and power than one person. It is a logical conclusion that the more people present to contribute to a task, the lesser is the demand for energy and time! But there are tasks that remain unachieved for which millions of people profess a willingness to assist. It may well be the most severe dilemma facing the modern Church. Why does the institution, which guards the most life-changing proclamation in the world, creep along now at snail-pace, when such a need for the Gospel of the Risen Christ exists?

Obviously, there is strength in numbers for Social Service Clubs undertaking activities for worthwhile causes. But a gathering, conducting similar activities in the Name of Christ, is monumentally different. For the former, it is a project. For the latter, it is a Mission. Such a Mission must bear an identifiable relationship to the Christ who commissions it, and to the Creedal belief of the devotee. 

There is abundant evidence in the Gospels, indicating unwavering support for the common belief that there is strength in numbers. Was it not just this very belief that prompted Jesus to call His first disciples? Was it not a distinct feature of the genesis of the Christian Church? “They were all together in one place”  ( Acts 2:1)
There is strength in numbers, indeed! Yet one must ask: What is the reason in our day for the “diminishing return” on God’s investment in a Gospel intended to change the world? “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” ( John 3:16)

It is not until Jesus permits His disciples to see inside His Spirit that they come to fully comprehend the meaning of an ‘individual’s strength.’ The disciples hear Jesus vocalize this mystery: “I Can of Mine Own Self Do Nothing The Father That Dwelleth in Me, He Doeth the Works. ( John 5:19)
The disciples are awestruck when they hear Jesus petition the Father on their behalf, “Father, just as I am in You and You are in Me, so may they( the disciples) also be ONE IN US!” Herein is the Strength in ONENESS! It is this strength that in the execution of today’s Mission is often untapped.

The disciples, in the beginning, were together as helpers of Jesus. On the occasion of ‘ the feeding of the five thousand,’ in a desert, Jesus instructs the disciples “you feed them “. The disciples respond to such a request in absolute disbelief and shock!  But when they witness Heaven’s unlimited resources supplementing earth’s limited supply, the disciples see and believe. The finite spirit of human beings is created to be embraced always by the Infinite Spirit of God!

As a consequence of that revelation, today’s disciples of Jesus must understand that NO Mission is ever impossible. The disciples themselves now engage in doing similar miracles. Previously they were mele observers of Jesus’s miraculous works. Gradually, the disciples come to believe, that the Prayer which Jesus made for them had been answered.” I pray that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and, I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me”  

At the breathtaking conclusion of the musical Les Miserables, the main character in Victor Hugo’s novel, Jean Valjean is dying. Hear his words!

“Take my hand and lead me to salvation.
Take my love, for love, is everlasting.
And remember, the truth that once was spoken:
To love another person is to see the face of God…” (2)

 In this world of such desperate need, may you see the face of God in every person you meet, and may others see the Face of God in you!

A Prayer To Follow This Meditation

Dear Lord, open my eyes that I might see the broken, lost, and lonely ones of this world.
But awaken my spirit so that my determination to do something about it does not wither in melancholy sympathy.
Open my ears that I may hear the sad music of empty and unfulfilled promises!
But sharpen the hearing of my spirit that I may hear more distinctly Heaven’s music, celebrating our Father’s Love that will yet reach all people of every color and race!
Open my mind that I might understand the futility of the shouting and the tumult of leaders, who think that whoever shouts the loudest, offers the best among phony solutions.
But in the quieter moments of sanity and liberating faith, fix my mind upon things not yet seen. I pray as Jesus taught us,” Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven.”  I Pray in His Name. Amen

 HYMN: Blest Be The Tie That Binds




  1.  The Scripture references in this post are from the NIV translation of Scripture
  2. Victor Hugo’s novel,














Suggested Scripture: John 14: 1 – 14; Psalm 122: 1 – 9

Scripture Emphasis;  Psalm 122:1-2
I was glad when they said to me,
“Let us go into the house of the Lord!”
And now our feet are standing inside
Your gates, O Jerusalem!

There is one prayer that I beseech Our Heavenly Father to answer as we slowly start to memorialize for posterity, the events that will define us in the New Year dawning.
It is for the blessing, which like, nothing else, would incorporate your expressed wishes to family and friends for a” Happy New Year.” This blessing will make hearts throughout our world happy, and thereby make our tired world  NEW again! It is a prayer for every person on earth to experience the remainder of their days in a consciousness of God.

In the emerging new world order, technology is bursting through the limits of morality and decency. The messages of isolation, nationalism, and the flagrant expressions that abandon all reference to a global village, leave fewer and fewer people wanting to discuss spiritual matters or engage in so-called‘ God-talK. 

Yet it remains my prayer that through the good-wishes expressed by families and friends worldwide, for a Happy New Year, God will reveal to all, that the one hope remaining for lasting happiness in the human race, is a return to our Origin. ” It is through faith that we receive our original position with God, the one which God destined for us at the creation. In gaining our original position with God, we gain our own genuinely human life.” (2) It is this thought that the ancient Psalm writer David captures in the words of the text quoted: ” I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into “the House Of The Lord.” Nothing can bring more happiness into the life of the well-wisher and to the recipient, than to hear it said, whether it be immediately, or later: ” I was glad that you said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord!” 

 It is noteworthy that some of David’s acquaintances knew the immeasurable influence of being conscious of God in one’s life. It is the conclusion widely accepted that the thought, which follows, is the greatest ever expressed by humankind:        

Augustine of Hippo, 354 AD ( Confessions 11:1) wrote:” You, O God have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they find rest in You!”(3)

Our text further enlightens another critical tenet of faith: ” I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord! And now our feet are standing inside your gates, O Jerusalem!” There is here the powerful suggestion that an immediate conveyance from all worldly restrictions to the liberty of Heavenly expanses follows the acceptance of an invitation to seek God.” And now our feet are standing inside Your gates, O Jerusalem!” There are many illustrations of the gratifying results that follow a seeking of the Presence of God. 

Many years ago a parishioner of mine was in the late stages of stomach cancer. Her many hospital sojourns, over time, resulted in many people coming to visit and to seek the inspiring company of this remarkable lady. The time comes when a limitation on the number of visitors is necessary. Towards the end, only family, and the patient’s clergy are allowed to visit. 

On one particular morning, a fellow clergy and I happened to meet in the hospital chapel. Almost instantly, the conversation evolved concerning our dearly loved friend! A member of the nursing staff discreetly approaches and, with evident concern, whispers, ” Please go and see Judy! She had a terrible night last night! Without a moment’s hesitation, we hasten to Judy’s room! The tousled bed coverings suggest that the occupant had not rested. Telling signs of the night of struggle still clung to her. “We see that the night was a difficult one for you, Judy,” my friend suggests, more to break the silence than anything. And then, in a voice dimmed by pain, she said: ” It was a horrible night! I didn’t close my eyes! ” Then summoning her resources of failing strength and looking squarely at us, she continued with an unmistakable note of triumph, ” It was a horrible night! But did you boys see the sunrise this morning! I saw the most beautiful sunrise I have ever experienced in all my life,” she smiled as she pointed through her window toward the eastern sky.         ” I know that everything will be OK”! 

There it is!! a conveyance from the limiting grip of pain to the experience of seeing the Face of God! 

 I wish you all A Happy New Year, with God’s blessing on you and yours!  

   A Prayer To Follow This Meditation

Father, with sincere gratitude, I commit my New Year dawning into Your gracious keeping. I desire, above all else, for each day, that You have given to me, as it falls into Your sunset, that it may bring You happiness and delight. My happiness depends on Your Happiness! The work of my hands, the thoughts of my mind and, the love in my hear must all bear Your citation:” and God saw that it was good.” (4)

That translates into a single petition: Father, make me Anew! ” With Your Spirit recreate me strong and pure and true.”(5) I ask you now to deepen the capacity of my inner being and let it contain less of worldly influence and more of the Spirit of Jesus. Indeed ‘You have made me for Yourself,’ let this be the year when I fully embrace that fact so that I can help make this a Happy New Year for You and all I meet everywhere.

Father, bless us and keep us. May Your face shine upon us. And may Your abiding Presence with us forever give us Peace. Amen.

Hymn: Nearer, My God To Thee




1. The Scripture references herein are from Good News Bible

2.reference a work by Emil Brunner, MAN IN REVOLT

3.Quote by Augustine of Hippo

4. Quote, from Genesis 1:31 Holy Bible

5.Hymnary, God Who Touches Earth With Beauty





In Heaven, God called together the Celestial Council. The Angels and Archangels looked resplendent in their flowing white robes. They waited in the Sacred Hush for what was to be the announcement of the most crowning event since the morning stars sang together at creation.

The shrill of Heaven’s trumpet proclaiming the entry of the Divine Majesty sounds! God, in unimaginable glory, sits down upon ‘The Great White Throne.’ And once more, the Sacred consumes everything as God, our Father, speaks!

” I have summonsed you, to announce that it is because of the cries of pain and the images of cruel injustices affecting Me so urgently that I, Myself, must go down to earth to be with My people. Then I shall give them the greatest gift my love can create, My own dear Son. In Him, My Presence will continue to dwell with my children on earth. 

I will carry Him, in my arms, down the ‘back stairs of Heaven’ and leave Him on the world’s doorstep. That way the hearts of my people will open to receive Him and to give Him a ‘Home.'” 

Spontaneously, a million voices break into exultant Song:

 “Glory To God In The Highest, And on earth
Peace and Goodwill for all!
Glory To God!
Glory To God.” 

And in Heaven, there were tears of Joy. 

When the singing in Heaven finally ended, the Archangel Gabriel, stood forth.

 ” O my Father of Light;

                                 Indeed this is the greatest gift that You will ever give to Your world! More significant than the sun, the moon, and the stars altogether. But Father, what if the people fail in their love and their responsibility?”

The ensuing silence was pregnant with the fearful possibility of such a heart- wrenching result. 

“But, they will not fail!” came the words which had lent an absolute finality to each command for creation.

” In the secret place of their hearts, I have hidden the majesty of giving themselves to me in love, as I give Myself to them this night. It may take thousands of years, but there will come a time when the whole world will give back the Song to Us which, the Angels just sang this night!

Mary, a young peasant girl from Nazareth and of human stock, in preparation for this night, has provided My Son, His first earthly home, and She has become “My Servant.”

  Angels and archangels May have gathered there,

Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air;

But His mother only, in her maiden bliss,

Worshipped the beloved with a kiss.”

Christmas 2019 arrives in a world amidst the stark evidence of ” Man’s inhumanity to man,” and the amplified voices of disillusioned cynics, announcing that God’s magnificent Plan has failed. But unsubmissively comes a Voice as bright as the sound of a thousand silver trumpets on the frosty air, ” My people will not fail.”

It is our responsibility now, yours and mine, to sharpen the perspective for all people to see God’s greatest gift ever bestowed to this world. That gift which, is the fulfillment of God’s Hope, is that like Mary, we too will be willing servants to make it possible for Jesus to be born anew into the world.  

May the Blessings of this glorious Christmas Season be so experienced by you and those of your household to swell the music of Heaven. May the Season be filled with this sound echoing among the hills: ”  

                    ” Joy to the world
The Lord has come
Let earth receive her king
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing

And Heaven and nature sing.”  Amen.



A  Christmas Story Meditation 

Suggested Scripture Reading: Luke 2: 1 – 20

Scripture Emphasis: King James Version – Luke 2:7 

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.

There follows here a ‘story sermon.’ As such, it requires the use of your imagination. It is the result of my heartfelt desire to make available to you something of both the eternal mystery and the unchanging message of the Christmas event. 

The setting for the story is the town of Bethlehem in the land of Judah. The time is the first Christmas Eve.

 On every street corner, crowds are gathering to discuss the latest news on everyone’s mind! The distressing royal decree ordered by the Roman Emperor, Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. That edict touched everyone, the young, the elderly, the born, and the unborn, from all corners of the known world.

 The hopes and fears of all the years are hanging in the balance in Bethlehem tonight! The news that a baby is born to one of the homeless refugees is of no significance to the scores of refugees who can find no place to lay their weary heads in this presently over-crowded town. ‘ The wild and starry sky’ will be the only ceiling many of them will know for as long as this God-forbidding scheme lasts!      

The thoughts prevailing tonight, are not, for the most part, of heavenly things; of God, and angels, and the long-awaited Messiah. This night is better suited for discussions of greed, betrayal, and for idle dreams about warrior kings. Yet, there is, at least, one notable exception!

Amidst the growing evidence of a town yielding to the invitation of undisturbed sleep, there is one cottage where a single light remains burning! It is the home of one, Zachariah Ben Ezra, known among the town’s citizenry, as the carpenter! The light announces the ceaseless vigil that Zachariah’s devoted and dearly beloved wife, Rachael, is keeping. For a fortnight, Rachael and her sons have been waiting to hear the footfall of the angel of death! Almost certainly, this will be the night!

Earlier today, at the bidding of Zachariah, the family gathered around his bed! Silence fell, as the older man summoning his resources of failing strength, speaks.

 ” Like you, I know that before the chariot of the morning rides the eastern rim of the world, I shall go to be with the God Of our Fathers. Listen well, and always honor our Faithful God, as I have sought to do, right to this present hour. There will be many trials and heart wrenching experiences for all of you. In the end, know this one thing; God will always come through, and His Holy Purpose will always prevail. 

My sons, along with faith and love for God, I leave you all the tools of my carpenter’s trade. Twenty-three years, six months and, five days ago this very night, I used these carpenter’s tools for the last time! The memory of that night still gives me such pain, as it causes me to tremble! I was finishing my very final shift at the stable at Bethlehem’s Inn. On the morrow, I would have been one of the carpenters in charge of building our Holy Temple. That would be quite an honor and so different from building a manger in the stable at Bethlehem’s Inn! The dream of a lifetime was on the verge of becoming a reality! And then every creative possibility, and the development of every God-given talent I received ground to a torturous stop! My right arm becomes severed from my body. Looking up, I saw tears, but I couldn’t determine if they were my own tears or if they were God’s! But of this one thing, I remain certain; I am never alone! Not then! Not now! My hope in this life was to accomplish something good for God, Who has done so much for me! But, I guess the time is passing for that now!  And what have I accomplished? But now I place this broken instrument into God’s hands, and pray that the touch of His hand will play a tune suitable to be heard in the courts of Heaven!”

Death lingers a while longer for Zachariah. About midnight a friend of many years, hastens to Zacharius’ bedside, captivated by an aire of uncontrollable excitement. Bending his lips to Zachariah’s ear, he whispered, “Zachariah, my dear friend, Your Friend, Israel’s Messiah has come! He is lying in the manger you built in Bethlehem’s stable!

Prayer To Follow This Meditation

O glorious Light of Heaven,
Shine upon the pathway that will bring us to the manger of Bethlehem at this Christmas time.
Kneeling there before the Light Of The World, who arrives again this night from Heaven, fix in us reflectors that we may show by word and deed the message of this Season, ‘Emmanuel, God is with us.’ Fix in us Thy humble dwelling that we may prove ourselves to be ambassadors of Thy Peace on earth. Help us, that we may add to the legend of how even beasts of the field, offer all they have to honor the Baby. He yet lies helpless in our crowded world, awaiting humble hearts, wherein He may dwell.
O Light of Heaven, send Your effulgent rays into the far reaches of our world, that people of all nations, coming to it’s rising, will constitute One Family for the glory of God! Amen.

Hymn: Silent Night




  1. It is recommended The Christmas Story be read from the King James Translation of Scripture.
  2.  The photo is from free stock images of the Nativity.
  3.   This sermon was first preached at Grand Bank United Church on Christmas Eve 1983.



Scripture Reading: John 13: 34 – 35

Reference Scripture:

 Isaiah 49:15-16 “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! 16. See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;”

Never a Sunday morning went by but I  greeted him. While still firmly gripping my hand, and looking squarely into my eyes he demands of me each time, “Do you know my name?” Some parishioners would nod in my direction in perceived acknowledgment that time was slowly claiming another victim. His face now bearing the signs of yet one more approaching fall season, is consumed in a smile of contentment at my expression of gratitude for the privilege of knowing him. But there is something more to be said about those lines that mark his face than just being signs of age. Those lines tell the unique story of adventures undertaken, of battles won or lost, of love felt, of heartbreaking separations, of honors gained. Here is a story of life’s experience passing through the medium of one more human soul, begging to be allowed to help some other pilgrim of the way. “Do you know my name?”

I propose that everyone, especially as they leave a place of sanctuary and worship, share a sincere longing to be known in just such a way as my friend who asks, ” Do you know my name?” Everyone you meet regardless of age has a story of a life’s experience that is being molded by its passage through their unique soul. 

To love another is to share in their life’s story with them. This love is not to gain full disclosure of the other person, based upon prying or curious investigatory pursuits. To share in the unique story of another’s life is a ‘Spiritual Occurrence’ that originates and continues with love.

In the final analysis, is this not truly the raison d’etre of the Church of Jesus Christ? Was the church not established so that no individual might be compelled to write their life’s story in isolation? ” By this shall everyone know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another.” (John 13: 35).

Moreso, than in any other place in the world, the church should be the place to respond with love to anyone’s inquiry, ” Do you know me”? Not merely as one more faceless human waiting to receive a lifeless handclasp, but do you know my name? Noticing wrinkles of age on the face of another, or observing a sparkling light in the eyes of youth are unspoken invitations to you, to share in events passing through the medium of that soul, which could have the potential of making this world a more beautiful place for us all?

In an age that demands instant gratification for all things, it is of extreme importance to take time for each other. The building of personalities, fit to inherit the Kingdom of God, is the mission of every disciple of Jesus Christ. It demands the opening of the flood gates of one’s own experience of  ‘ The Spirit.’  Spirit with Spirit must meet! There is no higher expression of “Love” than that! One’s experience of the Christ within you must embrace the spirit of Christ within another person. In such a desire, the immanent Presence of Jesus Christ in the world will fulfill God’s desire to provide light for our journey homeward.

As the present Scripture text indicates, God’s love for his people, Israel, compelled Him to engrave their name upon His hand in memory of both their faithfulness and their need. To the degree that we have the names of others engraved upon our hearts in Christ’s Name, here on earth, can we hope to find our names engraved upon the hand of God in remembrance of our earthly journey, when we get Home!  (1)


 Our Father,

No one of us is ever singled out by You as being more deserving than any other member in your family. Father, Your love is the greatest equalizer in all creation! With incredible tenderness, you keep strict observation of the unique gifts You store inside each individual. You marvel at the unique creation which ‘human ingenuity and skill’ fashion out of Your investment – the talents You entrusted us. Then You endow us, fellow travelers of the way, with one more vital task, that of encouragement and empathetic sharing. We each contribute to the content and spirited details of each individual’s life! In this way is the whole round earth bound by gold chains about Your feet, O God. Amen.

HYMN: O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go



  1. Suggested Additional Reading:
  2. Photo: stock image

The Earth And The Glory Of God


Scripture Reading: Matthew 11: 25 – 30

SCRIPTURE REFERENCE:                                                                                                                   Psalm 75: 1 – 2  We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks, for Your Name is near, men tell of your wonderful deeds. (God replies) ” When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm.”

Environmentalists are capturing the planet earth, in drab, black, and white photos! Through powerful scientific lenses, they examine the planet’s future as it is destined to be. The earth’s inhabitants, if they continue to live by their soulless rationality, will be developing these black and white photos for all posterity. 

Gerard Manley Hopkins, a poet in the 1800s, addresses a very similar theme with finesse and crucial faith. Hopkins bursts in upon the darkening scene, that portrays man’s complete lack of stewardship of the earth’s resources, with this immortal pronouncement: 

  “The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like, shining from shook foil.” (2)

Today as I walked among the most glorious panoply of autumn foliage, God’s Presence was everywhere around me.                                                                            

“A haze on the far horizon,
 The infinite, tender sky,
 The ripe, rich tint of the cornfields,
 And the wild geese sailing high —
 And all over upland and lowland
 The charm of the golden-rod —
 Some of us call it Autumn
 And others call it God.”(3)

Our response to environmental threats must not be a paralyzing fear or a multi-directional frenzy. Any effort now in caring for this world must not depend upon our own corrupt, self-serving efforts that helped to create the crisis in the first place. Instead, we must reinvite the world’s population to harken for the foot-fall of God. Our eyes are blind to a world that is ‘charged with the grandeur of God.’ The pronouncements of worldly wisdom are so bombarding our hearing that we are deaf to the Wisdom of God.

Psalm 75 speaks of the Jews in exile, stricken by memories of what it used to be like in their beloved homeland. In exile, they tremble at the fearful prospects of present threats. The ‘Songs Of Zion’ that were once the harbinger of God’s approach, are now sadly silent among them.

Then one day, the sound of a voice like something from heaven, echoes through the darkening chambers of these human souls: ” We give thanks to you, O God, for Your Name is near.”And hearts become brave again, and arms are strong. Hallelujah! (4)

Within each person, God still reserves a place of green pastures and quiet running streams. We must not let the shouting and the tumult of the fevered world occupy that part of God’s creation, which He chose, above all else, to ‘bear His Image.’

The predestined victory of God in Heaven comes to the world in Jesus Christ. His voice, the final clarion call from Heaven, calls us to responsiveness.

 “We give thanks to You, O God. We give thanks to You. Your wondrous works declare that You are near,”  to which God responds, “When the earth  quakes and its people live in turmoil, I am the one who keeps its foundations firm.” Wondrous are the deeds awaiting us on God’s near horizon. 

                                        A Prayer To Follow This Meditation

O God,                                                                                                                                              tenderly lay your cooling hand upon our fevered brows, so that Your touch will quiet our fears, and restore our hope.

We are genuinely sorry to have permitted the chaos and confusion of the world to come inside our personal space. The world seduces us into believing that its wisdom is the road-map to progress. It is our failure to stand firm in the faith that changes hope into despair and brings threatening disaster to our very doors.

“Dear Lord and Father of us all forgive our foolish ways! Clothe us once again in sound minds, and in purer lives may we find new opportunities for service. Let it be the hallmark of all believing people, to proclaim with deeper reverence,” The Lord our God is with us, and He fills the earth with His glory.    So let it be to the end of time.” Amen.                                                                                                              

Hymn: God Who Touches Earth With Beauty                                                                            


                                                              EDITORIAL NOTES

  1.  Scripture references are from the NIV translation of Scriptures.
  2.  God’s Grandeur by Gerard Manly Hopkins.
  3. Some of us call it God by William Herbert Carruth.
  4. For all the Saints, who from their labors rest by William Walsham How
  5. Photo: Porterville United Church of Canada. one of the most beautiful small communities in Newfoundland. It is part of the Lewisporte Pastoral Charge.




When Life Renders Us Helpless

Suggested Reading : Genesis 21: 14 – 21 ;

Matthew 9: 21 – 26

Scripture Emphasis:

Genesis 21:15 – 16.

 When the water in the skin was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes. Then she went off and sat down about a bowshot away, for she thought, ‘  I cannot watch the boy die.’ And as she sat there, she began o sob.”

These words usher us into the chamber of suffering, ravaging a mother’s soul. The mood swings that invade an individual’s life are merciless! In a moment, they can force a person to ‘ swing between Heavens Gate and Hell Gate.’ (2)

The way of the world has never been kind to the crown jewel of God’s creation. Following their lingering walk with God, in The Garden of Eden; the human’s journey becomes obtuse because of human disobedience. A fiery sword stands to block the way of ease and the intimate communion with God. Men must earn their bread in the sweat of their brows; in pain must the women bear their children.

 Millions, the world over, seek ways to circumvent the fiery sword and to discover other means of ease and fulfillment.

The Bible provides a unique response to the hardships of this life. In spite of the myriad of purported solutions, It is ‘from the pages of ‘Holy Writ’ that there comes the one light to illuminate that human dilemma,’ when life renders us helpless.” 

A conscious decision is made here, not to indulge in a repetition of the historical details and, the religious themes found in the story chosen for our consideration. I propose, rather, a reflection of more general issues which are familiar to all people everywhere.

The curtain rises on the torturing pain that fills a mother’s soul as she faces absolute helplessness. The desert’s blistering heat has sapped the energy of both the mother and her child. The discovery of an empty water-jar intensifies her crisis. The pitiful cry of her thirsty child is just too much for her. She considers running from the heart-wrenching scene but, love constrains her.

 It will remain forever, I suspect, the most bitter of all human experiences; to feel the immortal chords of love, binding us to a situation, where we are helpless to render service to the one that love compels.

“And then Hagar went and sat down about a bowshot away, for she thought, I cannot watch the boy die.” So she sat there and wept! And I could weep with her. 

The cry of a child dying of thirst, punctuated by the sobs of the helpless, tortured mother, are the only sounds in the desert’s cruel silence! Are these vicious realities not what will make the recall of this day dreaded for as long as her life lasts? The memory of the tragic circumstances that initiated this whole ordeal, coupled with the present crushing outcome, leave Hagar, a broken object on the desert floor.

 Consider this eternal truth: it is never God’s way, to abandon any human being, as a mere plaything of fate and cruel circumstances.

 God’s action now transforms Hagar’s consciousness. No longer is the destructive content of this moment, that ravages her soul, ln control; instead, it is God Who intercepts the catastrophic moment!

That transformation of consciousness is the one happening that can rescue Hagar from the tragedy threatening to consume the remainder of her life.

God counterbalances the sound of her child’s crying with an action that transforms her life forever.  ( Genesis 21: 19) “Then God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.”

No experience of helplessness should ever become a brand, marking any portion of time, in one’s life. God desires to transform human consciousness into a knowledge of His immanent Presence! The onward thrust of God’s Spirit is irresistible, not in the sense that it nowhere encounters obstacles, checks, and frustrations but in the sense that its direction is set (3). In the end, it will prevail. All that we must remember is to surrender to this certainty. 

  Prayer To Follow This Meditation
O God, our Father, Whose eye never fails to see all the situations that can leave a person feeling helpless in this life; whose ear never fails to hear the sound of love unable to deliver it’s gift to the beloved; whose own heart of redeeming Love paid the price on the Cross to rescue each one of us from the experience of helplessness, we surrender all!
Remind us ever that the dark sky of evening merely provides a black background of velvet to magnify the glory of the evening star! All that contributes to the darkened skies of our seeming helplessness is only the background that magnifies the glorious presence of God. Helplessness is not found in a theology of faith! O God help us to eradicate it from our vocabulary, and even more from the experience of every human in this world! Trusting in the victory won for us in Jesus Christ, our Lord, we pray. Amen.

Hymn: Be Still My Soul



  1. All the Scripture references are from the NIV translation of Scripture

2. There will always be the church and the world 

by T. S. Eliot

“There shall always be the Church and the World 

And the Heart of Man 

Shivering and fluttering between them, choosing and chosen, 

Valiant, ignoble, dark and full of light 

Swinging between Hell Gate and Heaven Gate. 

And the Gates of Hell shall not prevail”.                                          3. See “Thomas Merton On Prayer”                                               

4. Stock photo from the web used here to illustrate                 ” Helplessness”










The Trumpet Sounds Within My Soul

Scripture Reading: Luke 19: 1 – 10

Scripture Emphasis: Luke 19:9-10                                       Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.

There just has to be a greater motivational force behind Zacchaeus’ lowly ascent into the sycamore tree, than his desire to see Jesus and, the littleness of stature that was preventing him from doing so. Luke’s strict economy of words leaves much unsaid about the earlier years of Zacchaeus’ life, which might provide the real reason behind his determination to see Jesus at any cost. Remembering the details of the personal search of many people for God, it may not be forbidden to permit the use of our imaginations to welcome Zacchaeus into a typical family of believers.

Zacchaeus was too cagy an individual to provide freely for any more material for ammunition to be used by his heartless critics.

In religious circles, if thought off at all, Zacchaeus was numbered with the sinners. No father, son relationship existed between him and Abraham,  that was an absolute fact. Abraham was the celebrated father of the faithful; Zacchaeus, on the other hand, was dismissed to occupying a place among the redeemable.

On the commercial scene, Zacchaeus was considered a clever tax-collector. Shrewd was commonly attached to the resume his colleagues offer concerning him. When funds were running low, pass matters over to Zacchaeus was the standard solution.

In his neighborhood, Zacchaeus lived pretty much as a loner. But most everyone had an opinion of him, uniformly he was ‘ the old miser, the thief, short in stature but never on money’! Mention the word ‘scoundrel,’ and all eyes looked in the direction of his abode!

So it stood, that neither the religious, the economic, or the social, milieu would bear witness to any suggestion of decency, let alone any opinion of righteousness in Zacchaeus’ soul.  There were some with cynical intent, who questioned whether or not Zacchaeus even had a soul!

Danger lurks in the shadows, like some viperous snake, with such widespread abandonment known by Zacchaeus. The soul’s attested visitation may well fall to the threat of disbelief. How can one substantiate the soul’s elevation when all others do not as much believe that a soul exists within that person? Can anyone, owning the forward thrust of the spirit’s working within himself, discredit that happening in another’s soul? One suppliant permits himself to begin life anew by the free Grace of God bestowed, while he denies a fellow suppliant even the dream of that same possibility.

Any human who struggles to regain his footing following a fall provides fodder aplenty for the imagination to fathom the depth of loneliness and, the living hope by which they continue. So I will imagine Zacchaeus as one such person.

Day and night; night and day, inside the tax booth, or walking beside the enchanting sea, Zacchaeus hears what he has come to identify as the persistent trumpet of God sounding in his soul!

It is so again today, above the gentle lapping of the waves on the seashore, Zacchaeus hears the sound of God’s trumpet!  “What does God see in me that no one else sees?”  Zacchaeus questions.”No matter what they say, I feel a love that will not let me go! But Why?

Then, almost like a mirage in a desert where a man is dying of thirst, something captures Zacchaeus’ attention completely! It is something though unseen, is not altogether unknown to Zacchaeus.  He senses a presence with him on the beach. In tones that indicate a familiarity, that this is by no means a first-time experience for him, Zacchaeus continues a conversation started some time previously with Jesus.

“Jesus, ’tis ‘strange! I often wish I could see you with my real eyes! But although my eyes have never seen You, all I have to do is let my thoughts go out to you, and You are there, ‘nearer than breathing, closer than hands or feet’! “Jesus, I keep hearing what I believe is God’s trumpet in my soul! No one close to me, at home, at work, or anywhere else thinks that this is even possible.  JESUS DO YOU BELIEVE ME? Show me what you would do if you were me! What would God possibly want with someone whom everyone, including myself now, considers an unworthy sinner?

I imagine that Jesus smiles His compassionate, knowing smile and begins in words that transmit caring, and compassion and understanding sympathy.

” My friend, I, too have heard what you rightly call ‘the trumpet of God.’ I, in a large crowd gathered at the Jordan for baptism, heard God speak to me, calling me His beloved Son. Others there said it thundered, but I knew it was God’s trumpet!

Of course, I believe you, Zacchaeus, and furthermore, I believe God is calling you. He is saying:  ‘Zacchaeus, you are My precious child’! You ask me what I would do if I were you? I am not you Zacchaeus; You have many unique gifts and talents that God has given to you alone, to make this world a place where God will be pleased to dwell.

Let Me show you the world which God intended from creation. Jesus begins.  “Everywhere there are scenes of perfect contentment. People are happy with each other like they are all at home, and God is their loving father. God is highly honored here, and His people delight to walk with Him in the cool of the evening! Everything living seeks their food from Him, and nothing goes hungry!

Everywhere there is music, and there is dancing as those who have gone astray “rise and come home to the Father.'”

Jesus pauses a moment! Zaccheaus interprets the silence as an expectation of him to speak. Haltingly, he begins,” I guess herein is my condemnation! I have always peeped out at the world from behind a dollar sign! I value people by how much they are worth, and by the possessions they have. There is no ‘family feeling’ here, only suspicion and greed. It’s just the way it is, and everyone does it!  Singing and dancing are almost non-existent in the circles I travel!

Jesus spoke not a word of condemnation to Zacchaeus. With the gentle tones of a loving father, He said:” My dear friend, you are missing out on so much! You will be far happier when you reclaim the portion of God’s riches that belongs to you!

Zacchaeus, God’s world is so beautiful, the way He intends it to be! All attempts to describe it break through words and escape! I see men and women young and old together free as that wind that blows where it wishes. It is a freedom which is different from an absence of fear of being robbed, or of being in bondage! The measure of their freedom is the degree they depend upon God for all things. THE SPIRIT OF GOD creates freedom for them, which binds them to God alone!                             Children play in God’s Garden. They are from all the nations under Heaven! Black skin, brown skin, and white skin playing together, and their laughter is music that gladdens the soul to hear.                           In my mind’s eye, I see deep pain on Zacchaeus’ face, which he attempts to hide from his friend’s sight. But the look of compassion, on Jesus’ face, is enough to encourage some words from Zacchaeus, ” In my world only a few people are free. Most of them are seriously in debt! Some are forced to work from crack of dawn to nightfall to pay their taxes and feed their hungry families. There is minimal talk here about God and Heaven. Our world is god, and the ownership of worldly things is the measure of all people!  Earthly possessions are the anchor they trust -in, in the rough waters of uncertainty! Jesus, everyone does it, it is just the way of the world !”

An awkward silence falls upon Zacchaeus. He falls deeply into a contemplative mood!  “Jesus, do you suppose that I have mistaken the trumpet that sounds in my soul as God’s trumpet, is, in fact, the trumpet of this world?  Jesus, I confess I  I have contributed to this world’s misery. I have riches that are not mine. I enslave people rather than setting them free to discover the freedom of God’s Spirit”!

Jesus places a steadying hand upon Zacchaeus’ trembling shoulder as He softly speaks  to Zacchaeus:’ The Son Of Man Came To Seek And To Save What Was Lost.’                                         Zacchaeus, tomorrow you will see your wish to see Me “face to face” come true! Meet Me tomorrow at the ‘ Big  Old Sycamore Tree’ in Jericho, to continue our conversation!”

You Are Invited To Make The Following Prayer Your Own.

O Christ of Tender Mercy,                                                        One day you looked into the anxious, troubled eyes of one called Zacchaeus. Those who thought that they knew everything to be known about him, saw only that which would abandon him to the pile of broken, useless pieces. They were suitably rebuked by You when You elevated Zacchaeus to a place of honor and respect! Make us less hasty in our judgment of others, and more committed to following Your example. Let us see others in the way God sees all of His children. If they brashly demand the freedom to travel into some far country, our Father keeps watch upon the road that leads that daughter, or son home again, and restores all the blessings of one dearly loved. Jesus, we cannot pretend that it is otherwise with us, we have been that prodigal who heard The Trumpet Of God, and have been moved by Your searching to respond: ” I will arise and go to our Father. It follows, that often it is the one who has been wounded, and broken, the one who bears the evidence of a sojourn in the pig-pen, who becomes the most compassionate and understanding disciples in Your Service! Here I am Lord, I will go if you lead me. I will bear your people in my heart. Amen.

Hymn:  Steal Away To Jesus



The Scripture references are from the NIV translation.

The photo is an earlier post on the web-site: Brigus Folks, Then and Now. This historic tree stood unconfined either by a fence or a wall, in the very center of the town of Brigus. For decades it served as a beloved landmark and as a meeting place when means of telecommunications were not so readily available. In a sense, it shared a similarity with the tree in the story.




Suggested Scripture Readings:
Matthew 8: 35 – 41.  Isaiah 32: 1 – 8
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 32: 2.  Each man will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land.
In “THE TEMPEST,” William Shakespeare engages his unique artistic skills and portrays the chaos and the confusion seizing a small ship caught in a vicious storm at sea. Therefore, the master of the ship orders his boatswain to rouse the mariners to action to prevent the boat from grounding in the storm. Unfortunately, in the resulting hectic activity of the mariners, the panic-stricken onlookers are overresponsive.
Under these circumstances, the boatswain gives a timely command. “Go below deck, Go below deck,” he commands! “You do assist the storm!”
Gonzalo reminds the boatswain that one of the passengers is of some obvious importance, but the boatswain is unmoved. He will do what he has to save the ship, regardless of who is aboard.Sad, yet, nevertheless true, humans can inadvertently assist a storm in its fury. The disturbance may originate within the atmosphere, like that described by Shakespeare. But on other occasions, a disturbing incident upsetting another’s delicate mental equilibrium may quickly take on all the features of a fierce storm!
Stephen Leacock, a Canadian writer, and humorist relates just such an incident in his novel,” Gertrude the Governess.”
“Lord Nosh stood upon the hearthrug of the library. Trained diplomat and statesman as he was, his stern aristocratic face was upside down with fury.”
Lord Nosh directs his fury towards his young son, Lord Ronald. The son returns a look of complete defiance towards his father. Lord Ronald said nothing; he flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions.
The boatswain’s guidelines are stringent for whatever circumstance stirs strife within a person: ‘Go below deck! Go below deck!” It is always time for each of us to go inside ourselves and use whatever time remaining to us to learn the secret of composure and celebrate the conquest that makes us truly human. The promise of the Prophet Isaiah is the complete antithesis of distressed behavior.
“Each one will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land.” Is it not a phenomenon worthy of consideration since according to Isaiah, it is a promise made to all? But what is the qualifying prerequisite that makes Isaiah’s pledge a “future” reality? “Each one will be like a shelter from the wind…etc. But when? How great an effort must we make to learn that awe-inspiring secret, in this world so filled with sound and fury that it makes Isaiah’s promise sound like an idle tale?
The solemn truth is, NO ONE can ever learn to mirror the condition of which Isaiah speaks! That secret will never reveal itself through scholarly expositions, or by personal resolutions, no matter how sincere one’s effort. It is a gift from God! Is it not true, generally speaking, that the response towards an offered gift is ACCEPTANCE?
Is it not an urgent need at this juncture in our experience to “Go Below Deck” and to review your relationship with God? Do you know enough about Him, to bring assurance at this moment that you are “like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land “?

It seems to me that the world has no greater need in this hour than for people of Faith to accept from God the things we can never do for ourselves! There is an urgent need, in this hour of diminished trust in the activity of the eternal, for people professing a religious experience to re-encounter the God of their professed religion. It is double the terror for anyone to” Go Below Deck” in a storm, and encounter there, only a rumbling emptiness because God has been crowded out by a hectic lifestyle. Therefore, hear the positive assertion by Isaiah that each one shall be the recipient of this fantastic promise! Humankind must understand themselves as being IN GOD, and as deriving FROM GOD, and not as the product of their own effort and achievement.
The One, whom Christians call the Master of Life, provides the most authentic demonstration of an individual’s response to those caught in the throes of a debilitating storm. Jesus, along with His disciples, is on a vicious storm-swept sea of Galilee. Unlike the terrified oarsmen who are contemplating certain  death, Jesus is fast asleep in the stern of the same  boat.” Carest Thou not that we perish?” they screech above the sound of the frightening waves. Who could ever miss the stark contrast in behavior between the despairing disciples and their serene Master? According to Jesus, what left the disciples in such dire stress was the lack of Faith,’ below deck’ of each participant. “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Jesus asks them. Jesus own state of Faith both “on deck, and below” was always the same, and resoundingly positive; “Father, into Your hands, I commend my spirit.” What astounding evidence that a person can be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land. YOU can be a further witness of this same glorious truth!
                      Prayer To End This Meditation
You are invited to make this prayer your own
O Lord, from the beginning of creation You showed a preference for serenity and calm.
You ordered Your Spirit to brood over the darkness and the chaos which were retarding the progress of Your proposed Creation. “And you saw that it was good!”
Wherever storms are causing chaos, either as the result of atmospheric disturbances or by individuals and nations in conflict, remind us, followers of Christ, of Your hovering Spirit, and enable us to bring Peace where there are far too many others who assist the storm.
We can expect to see the influence of Your Spirit, only after chaos and darkness have been eliminated, first from our own souls. Without the touch of Your hand, we may see the goal but we remain helpless to produce lasting results:
“Where cross the crowded ways of life,                        Where sound the cries of race and clan,                      Above the noise of selfish strife,                                    We hear Thy voice, O Son Of Man.”
Breathe on us, Breath of God, and give us spirits, strong like steel, so that we will always stand firm for You. Amen. So Let It be.
HYMN:  Master, The Tempest Is Raging
Master, the tempest is raging!
The billows are tossing high!
The sky is o’ershadowed with blackness,
No shelter or help is nigh;
Carest Thou not that we perish?
How canst Thou lie asleep,
When each moment so madly is threat’ning
A grave in the angry deep?
The winds and the waves shall obey Thy will,
Peace, be still!
Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea,
Or demons or men, or whatever it be,
No waters can swallow the ship where lies
The Master of ocean, and earth, and skies;
They all shall sweetly obey Thy will,
Peace, be still! Peace, be still!
They all shall sweetly obey Thy will,
Peace, peace, be still!
Master, with anguish of spirit
I bow in my grief today;
The depths of my sad heart are troubled—
Oh, waken and save, I pray!
Torrents of sin and of anguish
Sweep o’er my sinking soul;
And I perish! I perish! dear Master—
Oh, hasten, and take control.
Master, the terror is over,
The elements sweetly rest;
Earth’s sun in the calm lake is mirrored,
And heaven’s within my breast;
Linger, O blessed Redeemer!
Leave me alone no more;
And with joy, I shall make the blest harbour,
And rest on the blissful shore.


Suggested Scripture Reading: John 3:1 – 17
Text Emphasis: John 3: 1-3
“Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
A young parishioner sat on the opposite side of my office desk. The evidence of the torment that had brought her here was manifesting in her downcast eyes and the wringing of her hands.
“You are feeling an uneasiness in being here,” I offered. The young lady managed to lift her eyes, and a faint smile played at the corner of her lips, indicating a positive response. Without further hesitation, she momentarily surprised me with a sudden outburst, as though she found it necessary to strike now or else abandon her mission altogether. “Who is this God who is so deeply troubling me? Will you please teach me about Him and help me understand Him?  A brief silence followed before continuing in anxious  haste with words that indicated a heart flooding with fear: “Do you think I am strange to have such feelings?”
“Far from having that thought, I have nothing but the greatest admiration for you!” I assured her. “I would encourage you in time, to bless others, just as you have blessed me today in the sharing of your beautiful witness.”
Paul Tournier, a world-famous medical doctor, and psychiatrist in his still valuable book, The Meaning Of Persons, writes:
“I have a threefold vocation: Medical,
Psychological and Spiritual. I confess that
it is the Spiritual vocation which interests
me most, for the very reason that all my
experience has taught me the limitations
of medicine and psychology, and because
the supreme and universal need of man is
to find God.” (1)
Before one can begin to answer the question, Who is God? One must make an effort to satisfy the age-old inquiry, who or what is a man\woman? In Christian theology, the tripartite view holds that humankind is a composite of three distinct components, Body, Soul, and Spirit.
There is an inwardness to human beings as real as if one could view it through a rent in the physical Body! Without this ‘Inwardness’ we are not persons, we occupy a vegetative or animalistic state!
 It is within this realm of Inwardness that hopes, dreams, love, beauty, and God dwells.  Spirit is the term used to capsulate this most important phenonium in the domain of Inwardness. But there is yet remaining another entity we must consider in the realm of this Inwardness. The name SOUL or Psyche identifies this entity. The term Soul is the ‘life principle’ of human beings and animals, while the term Spiritual is reserved exclusively for ‘homo sapiens.’
The Soul primarily is the ‘Decision Making’ domain where personal decisions are examined and executed. Three separate entities, then,  constitute human beings. Namely, they are the Body (Somatos), The Soul ( Psychic) and Spirit.
The Body is the physical, material reality that is most responsive to the physical, material world. The Soul is continuously receiving ‘messages’ that are being transmitted both through the Body on behalf of the material world and from the Spirit, on behalf of God, our Creator. The Soul must make the decision which messages to act upon and which to disregard. It is within the Soul where procrastination becomes an enduring temptation. Here, too, is the birthplace of fear and insuperable anxiety.
Return with me to my office for another brief moment. Two weeks have  now passed since my first encounter with the young lady who demanded to know, “Who is this God, and what does He want with me?” She approaches me, on this occasion, like one whose feet have wings! Gone is every trace of burden and anxiety.  Barely can she contain her excitement, “Not only am I beginning to understand God more, but I have discovered myself and understand better now than ever before!”
I read to her the story of Nicodemus. ( John 3). “Nicodemus interrogated himself with almost the identical questions you brought to me,” I told her. “And mind you, Nicodemus was a leader in religious matters in his community: yet he was troubled and dissatisfied. His Soul was receiving transmissions from the two sources, from the world, where he lived and worked. That message went something like this: “Nicodemus, you are a good man. You know more about the Scriptures than most others in your community; listen to the praises heaped upon you by your peers! Nicodemus fame, praise, and prestige will I give you, if only you will follow me!
The other transmission to his Soul comes from the Spirit, where God dwells. That message went something like this: “Nicodemus, I have called you by name, and you are Mine. Nicodemus, the blessings I have given to you are but mere tokens of the treasures  I long to give you. When you permit your Spirit to become enfolded in Me, then will the Kingdom of God become your real home. You are born as if this were for the first time, but this time, you are born into a new city, “The City Of God.”
 Now Nicodemus alone must choose which of the two transmissions shall claim priority. Nicodemus at first has no clear perception of the Spirit and its function. Jesus undertakes to make this matter clear to him. When one surrenders to the promptings of the Spirit, it is to be born again. Then one can more easily defy the dictates of the Body, that enslaves one to the world. “To be apprehended, by the love of God, means to be smitten in the very core of one’s being, to suffer it not as pain, but as the supreme joy, as happiness and peace, that is, the self knows that it is ‘at home in God.'”
Years have passed since that enlightened Soul came flying into my office to announce to me that she had found God, or rather that God had found her! In experiencing God, my friend discovered herself in the process. So may it be for all those who are troubled with questions about God and their relationship to Him.
Of course, there will be shades and clouds to contend with, but then, let your heart sing some merry song, celebrating His unconditional Love, and before long, you will hear ” the distant triumph-song,” accompanying you. (2)
Encourage your Spirit to reach out first thing in the morning, and the last thing at night and’ touch the Face Of God.’
Finally, learn to speak kindly to your Soul! Let it feel your appreciation for the gifts of The Spirit. Bid it listen for the ‘footfall of the Divine’ and experience the message of God’s love for you.
It is through the indwelling of this Spirit in the Soul that one can say with the Apostle Paul,” For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.”
You are invited to pray this prayer as your own
O Risen Lord,                                                                                                             You are the SONG we sang on Easter Sunday Morning! There was electricity in the air as the old timbers vibrated with the sounds of an excited people awakened from a winter’s slumber: ” Love’s redeeming work is done,                                                                 Fought the fight, the battle won;                                                                Lo! our Sun’s eclipse is o’er;                                                                         Lo! He sets in blood no more.
                                       Lives again our glorious King;                                                                     Where, O death, is now thy sting?                                                         Once He died, our souls to save;                                                                 Where thy victory, O grave?                                Hallelujah! (3)
You, Lord, fought and won the fight to be the Supreme Ruler in these Souls of ours. You, O Risen One, are The Spirit of our Father; You have broken the chains forged by this world to enslave  God’s children, and thereby force them to worship at the altars of materialism or to worship not at all. But now we are Free; Our Souls are Free at last!
Come let us make a Highway straight from our Souls to the farthest corners of this world, that we may bring Light where there is darkness, Love where there is hate, Hope where there is despair, Singing on ‘The Road Of Tears,’ and the Light of Resurrection Glory where there is faithlessness. Enable each of us to bring out into this waiting world every Gift Of The Holy Spirit whichThe Living One is unpacking in our liberated Souls. Amen.
Hymn: ” Jesus, Lover Of My Soul”
The Scripture references are from the NIV Translation.
1. Paul Tournier, THE MEANING OF PERSON,  SCM Press Ltd,
     P. 37.
2. Reference to the hymn,
      FOR ALL THE SAINTS,http://www.lutheran- vs.5
3 Charles Wesley, Christ The Kord Is Risen Today (vs. 2,4,5)