
Do You Know My Name?

Brigus Conception Bay, Newfoundland about 1914

                         “DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?”

Text: Isaiah 49: 15-16 The Lord Said,” I will not forget
         you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of My
 John 15: 16,  “You did not choose me,
but I
chose you and appointed you so that you might
         go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—
          and so that whatever you ask in my Name
           the Father will give you.”

Never a Sunday morning passed without the challenge to me to answer the same question from the same person. As he mingled with the other congregants leaving morning worship, he thoughtfully asked, ” Do you know my name”?
Some in the group moved quickly away into the shelter of distance. Others bashfully attributed his query to the signs evidenced by his slower steps, his walking cane,and his thinning snow-colour hair.He persisted, his voice carrying the urgency of the question, ‘Do you know my name’?

The question has an increasing need for attention now, as then.
People of all ages, either in silence or demonstratively, are pleading a response, “Do you know my name”? A person’s name is the private hallmark of their humanity: the right  to feel appreciated, to be valued and loved.

The question has haunted me ever since. How often, I wonder, is it on the minds of fellow worshippers as they leave the fellowship of prayer and praise? Some who arrive to worship, fearful, lonely, and longing to be loved leave as they arrive with  the same question, unanswered still, “Does anyone  know my name?”

We know how impersonal today’s society can be. Technology and Artificial Intelligence will never relieve human beings of their loneliness and the need for respect and love! Only the human heart and spirit can achieve that! The question, “Do you know my name?” begs a recognition of a person’s uniqueness and the spiritual attributes that identify one from all others, therefore someone else can never replace them.
There were times in the ongoing saga of Hebrew history when the vicissitudes of fortune caused social, political and religious unrest, resulting in a shaken trust in God to deliver. Frightening thoughts of God’s forgetfulness began to overshadow their treasured beliefs in the constancy of God’s deliverance.
And then came the effulgent rays of God’s love into the darkness, seeking to overcome their doubts and sorrows
” Can a mother forget the baby on her breast?
I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands”.  (Isa. 49: 15-16

Generations passed, and then! The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory”!

The Word is still flesh”, and He continues to live in this world through us! Consequently, we must take every precaution, least unwittingly by words and actions, we cause another to conclude that they do not matter, or are not worthy to associate with the company of the faithful.

May every occasion reveal to your fellow travellers that your concern and actions confirm the undeniable truth that you, yourself, are engraved on Christ’s hands.           

” Not only in the words you say,
  Not only in the deeds confessed,
But in the most unconscious way is Christ expressed!

Is it a beatific smile?
A holy light upon your brow?Oh, no! I felt His Presence when you laughed just now.

For me ’twas not the truth you taught, to you so plain, to me so dim. But when you came to me, you brought a sense of Him.

So, from your heart, He beckons me; from your eyes, His love is shed
’til I lose sight of you, and see The Christ Instead! ” (2)

 “Do YOU know My name”? I do not mean some superficial knowledge about me, but, know me with the intensity of God’s Own Wisdom, as when on that day, when newly minted by His hand, God inspects His new creation. He reviews the need on earth that prompted my creation, and assures that He has given me everything needed to complete my task! And then, as is written of the Creation story : GOD SAW THAT IT WAS GOOD.”

In Hebrew thought, for one person to speak another’s name was to qualify the presence of uniqueness within that person. The inquirer was then in the presence of gifts, talents, vision and preparedness granted by God for the forward movement of God’s Kingdom.
The question, “Do you know my Name?” offers a possibility of launching into the world, in Christ’s name, a uniqueness that fills some earth-bound vacuum that delays God’s plan for His Kingdom.

I end the meditation where I began, with my friend’s haunting inquisition: “Do you know my name?” supplemented with an entry from my diary.

” Firmly, he gripped my hand, and looking straight into my eyes, he asked:
“Do you know my name?”
Yes, I Sure do! Your Name! is ROBERT
Robert, I am delighted that you are here!
The resulting radiant smile assured me he knew
we are brothers !”

                      A PRAYER TO FOLLOW

Beyond all measures, we are the most blessed among all created things. You chose the human race to bear your image. Bless us now with Your wisdom to understand what that means.
In Your mercy,
guard against any mistaken and selfish thought of usurping Your place in the story of creation! Equip us with a renewed vision and dedicated efforts to bring Your Kingdom to the world around us.
Father, remind us daily that we are training under The Master Kingdom Builder, Jesus Christ.
In Your mercy, Father, remind us to invest the whole self, body, mind, and spirit in our desire to increase the citizenship of Your Kingdom.
In Your Love, make us remember the critical need for the human touch. We will learn that artificial intelligence and technological parlance can never replace the conveyance of Empathy, Hope and Love. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, we pray

Hymn: Blest Be The Tie That BINDS

Text Notes

  1. The Scriptures quoted in the foregoing text are                    from he NIV translation
2. Unknown Author.
3.The photo is from a collection of such by my late brother-in-law, Albert Buchan







                      THE PLANNED LIFE

Matthew 4: 21 – 22.
” Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee , preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him”.



A couplet in Robert Browning’s poem
Rabbi Ben Ezra’ seems unreal to many whose
present experiences reveal different truths.

“Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith, ‘A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be
From the annals of everyday living, some people must include painful evidence in their saga of ageing experiences far removed from the category of the best for any human. To associate such experience as part of the whole plan for one’s life is a seeming anathema.  

Consider a work by another poet, William Wordsworth. The pastoral poem ‘Michael ‘ is about an ageing Shepherd named Michael. He is a humble, hard-working man with a modest income. He lives in a simple cottage with his wife and only son, Luke, who is the ageing father’s absolute pride and joy. Luke is also his father’s trusted and irreplaceable co-worker, the future heir of the sheep farm. Diligently, they are working together, building a new sheepfold for days of coming prosperity. But misfortune, unannounced comes instead.
A situation arose, making it necessary to dispose of many assets, and for Luke to leave home to help relieve the worsening situation. But in time, Luke falls into disrepute, thereby never to return home, thus leaving his ageing parents to permanently live alone.
Wordsworth succinctly captures their ever present heartache by reflecting upon the unfinished sheepfold:

“Tis not forgotten yet
The pain which was then in every heart
For the old man, and tis believed by all,
That many , and many a day he thither went,
And never lifted up a single stone.”

” The best is yet to be?” Is this the whole life plan for Michael,his wife and for Luke?

A similar incident in Scripture reflects the possibility of similar heart-wrenching consequences.
Zebedee, a fisherman from whom the independence of youth is fleeing, is in a boat with his two sons, James and John, preparing their nets. Without a prior indication the eldest of the three becomes abandoned, sitting there, a lone figure
I grew up in a rural fishing village that rewarded me with evidence of the sea’s mysterious grip on many ‘who do business upon the mighty deep’. Even the ownership of various paraphernalia once used by fishermen in the loving conquest of the sea’s treasures remains as prised trophies to them.

It is likely the seed germinating in the narrative where Zebedee sits in his boat with his two sons, mending fishing gear he is destined never to need again.
This very scene stirs deep memories in my own soul. I vividly remember sitting at the waterfront with one well-seasoned, both in years and experience. Together, we watched boats put back to sea. My childish mind could never comprehend the real tears running down my old hero’s cheeks, as we listened to the haunting sound of the boat’s engines fade into the distance. That day, I experienced the first inescapable pull of the boundless deep.

There is, however, one distinct feature in the unfolded Zebedee saga that sets it apart from the former poetic expressions. Here, against the background of a threatening life changing event for Zebedee stands the only One who enables God’s plan for completing the story of every  human life.
One abiding truth our glorious religion deals with is the spiritual dimension of humankind. “Time like an ever-rolling stream” may deposit us on the shores of yesterday’s journey. If this becomes our destiny, may we be blessed to see the One who weaves everything that happened to us , past and present, into the pattern of personal wholeness. For Zebedee, may the scene of his two sons, James and John in company with Jesus be the catalyst that moves his own life to completeness. Then, at the end, he also, enters with them into Eternal Glory. And so may we all!
“Youth shows but half; trust God, see all, nor be afraid!

A prayer To Follow This Meditation

When unpredictable events threaten to take hostage the pursuit of some beloved labour, and the world mocks us with the images of what might have been in the years now fled, in your mercy, stand beside us.

Show us how to be grateful for what has been  and make us strong now,to live by faith that the ” Master Weaver” many times uses darker threads to make the finished product something of extreme beauty. You are not finished with us when the spring in our steps abandons us.

When in faith, we see You standing beside us  grant us the wisdom to know that in Your company the “Best” is always yet to be! Our Prayer we make in Jesus Name. Amen



Sharing Self For Christ’s Sake


  Scripture Reference:1 Thessalonians 2:8

” We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the Gospel of God but our lives as well because you had become so close to us “. (1)

This heart warming salutation of Paul acknowledging the arrival of Thessalonians desiring to learn of the way and the teachings of Jesus Christ, is exemplary for all who desire to promote the Mission of Jesus Christ.
The following brief excerpt of Pauline’s history reveals much about humankind’s creation and the ‘tie that binds the heart in Christian love”.
The spiritual differences between the Thessalonians, Paul and his Gospel team, appear stringent and distinctive.
Not that the Thessalonians are devoid of any religious thought or practices but they are worshippers of idols. An idol is ‘ representative of a god used as an object of worship’. Meanwhile, Paul and his missioners represent worshippers of the living God. Thus, two distinct ideologies share a common goal: to establish communication with Someone or something outside themselves in this world.

Humans are, then, creatures with dual citizenship!
Before we become residents of Earth, we are residents in Our Heavenly Father’s Home. Here, in our primal Home, God created and equipped us to become residents of this world. Consequently, in the deep recesses of every being there remains an unquenchable thirst for the true and living God.

Hear the poet William Wordsworth’s expression of this belief :
“Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises with us, our life’s Star,
Hath had elsewhere it’s setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory, do we come
From God, who is our home:
Heaven lies about us in our infancy!
Shades of the prison-house begin to close
Upon the growing Boy,
But He beholds the light, and whence it flows,
He sees it in his joy”. (lines 58–70). (2)

Paul identifies two critical facts for the successful dispensation of this Heaven-appointed Mission to help others to own faith in the living God.

The Scripture under present discussion celebrates Paul’s success  in inspiring Thessalonians to become living witnesses for God, through Jesus Christ,His chosen son. That success demonstrates Paul’s sincere commitment to keep his communication lines between Heaven and Earth ready for immediate action, when God was ready to commission him to action!
irrefutably, this is the avenue God chooses to reveal to us  in turn our commission to be His co-creators in this life. On the day of your creation, God
equipped you for the special task you are to address in this needy world ! Paul’s private communication link between the two realms of citizenship, Heaven and Earth was always on stand-by and so must ours be. 

God longs for this to become the identifying feature of everyone created ‘ in His Image’. Subsequently, God reveals one’s appointed place as His co-creator and equips them for the particular station in this world’s citizenry. God prepares His children for living as citizens of the world by instilling in them the same Spirit Jesus exemplified in the flesh. It was the same Holy Spirit in Paul and his cohorts as they toiled among the Thessalonians. There is a second ingredient in Paul’s success story of enlisting the Thessalonians in Christ’s ongoing Mission in the world. It was the emanating evidence of the presence and the undeniable power of the indwelling Christ in the lives of the missioners.   

” We loved you so much that we delighted to share with you not only the Gospel of God but our lives as well because you had become so close to us “

In this critical time of diminished faith when church steeples that silently announced with pride, the sacrifice and determination of our forebears to weave into their community’s fabric, the stories of life-giving trust in the eternal, are falling in disrepair, and the doors that have swung wide in welcome, for generations, are now being shuttered and barred!

It is never enough merely to tell the story. We must ‘ BE THE STORY!’ Be everything that encourages another in sunshine and shadow to keep looking up! Such must be preserved at any cost.

” Not only in the words you say,
  Not only, in the deeds confessed,
But in the most unconscious way, is Christ expressed!

Is it a beatific smile?
A holy light upon your brow?
Oh, no! I felt His Presence when you laughed just now.

For me ’twas not the truth you taught, to you so plain, to me so dim. But when you came to me, you brought a sense of Him.

So, from your heart, He beckons me; from your eyes, His love is shed
’til I lose sight of you and, see, Christ instead! (3)


A Prayer To Follow This Meditation

O God, You revealed Yourself to the world in Your Son Jesus. Grant that today’s world will reveal our conscientious effort to build the Kingdom of God Jesus demonstrated.

Father, the world has become more interested in developing technological skills than promoting the transforming power of Brotherly Love. Hear us pray for Your forgiveness, and grant us anew the power of Your Holy Spirit:
To seek You more powerlessly
To speak Your Truth more forcefully,
To BE THE Indwelling CHRIST  
to all you meet.
In His Name, we make our prayer. Amen

                               TEXT NOTES

  1. The Scripture quotes in the text are from the NIV translation.
  2. ” Ode: Intimations of Immortality” by
    William Wordsworth
    from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    3 Author unknown






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! A man Named Matthew!

Supplementary Reading: Ephesians
1: 1-23

Scripture Emphasis

Matthew 9:9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.

In the New Testament, we encounter numerous instances where personal narratives become memorialised by some inanimate object. One such instance is Matthew’s account of his own eventual apostleship. A tax booth, usually manned by Matthew, was inexplicably vacant as far as the residents of Capernaum knew!; “Missing! A Tax Collector named Matthew”.

“It sounds suspicious,” mused the self-appointed guardians of public morals.
” It demands an immediate investigation”!
And investigate, they did!

Were there rumours of Matthew’s
dissatisfaction with his employment as the collector of Roman taxes in Capernaum? Those investigating Matthew’s strange disappearance questioned his closest friends, of whom there were few. But none had any such information to offer. Yet, few people in Capernaum kept silent upon hearing his name. There was a glint of suspicion conveyed from the eyes of the kindest and most generous citizens! It seemed even to Matthew that his fate was to spend his life in Capernaum with the damning suspicion that was engulfing the community like molten lava! What capacity could any human have to withstand the cruel onslaught against all his dreams while being a tax collector for the despised Romans?
However, the vacant tax booth was a living symbol of sleepless nights, scalding tears, haunting dreams, and trembling promises—but for Matthew, it was also God’s knocking time!

Dawn broke in the eastern sky as Matthew began executing last night’s promising resolve. He would put himself in the place where the seeking shepherd would most likely look to find His lost sheep named Matthew.
I do not know
“how deep were the waters crossed
or how dark was the night that the Lord passed through, ere he found His sheep that was lost”. (2)
I only know that find His sheep, He did.

I imagine God’s long-awaited occurrence of Matthew’s apostleship was finally celebrated in Heaven that morning!

God’s plan originated when He breathed into Matthew the breath of life and began preparing and equipping him to fulfil the divine mission of apostleship. Throughout Heaven, the long Amen sounds as the Creator announces, ” Today, Matthew begins his mission for which I chose Him the day I created him: Matthew, Apostle Of Jesus,The Lord.”

In our day, amidst wars and rumours of wars, and the promotion of segregation among nations and, the hateful abuse that destroys the fabric of familiar neighbourhood living and, the deafening silence of those appointees to bring hope and faith into the world, is anathema to the Creator’s ideal of the coming of His Kingdom. At the same time that Matthew appeared on the missing person’s list in Capernaum, in Spirit, Matthew was elsewhere! In Heaven, precisely at the same time, he is the subject of jubilation.
Matthew, the tax collector, finally yields to God’s plan that he become an Apostle of Jesus Christ.
Have you looked lately at God’s possible plan
for your life?

 Is God still waiting for you to fill the position for which you were born? One may not have to vacate one’s present occupation. You may successfully discharge both callings! But that decision is best made in the Presence of Jesus Christ, just between the two of you! ( see Ephesians 1: 3 – 11)

Hymn: I Feel The Winds Of God Today

Prayer To Follow This Meditation

“My times are in Your hands, my God. I will them there.”
There can be no greater desire than that in this world; to awaken each morning in the glory of Your dawn, in confidence that Your strength will be proportioned to meet  the demands of the hours ahead.
Then, as the day is ending, to see the lights of Heaven shining through the azure dome is to be assured that God is keeping watch over us all. In the days that You will yet grant me, please ‘keep my memory green’ that I will be faithful to remember the specific tasks for which God sent me here to earth.

Then, like Matthew, I will hear from the Lord,
Well done, good and faithful servant.
“Enter into the joy of thy Lord”. Amen


  1. Scripture references in the text are from the NIV translation of Scriptures.
  2. Quoted from the hymn titled, ” The Ninety And Nine”. Words by Elizabeth Cecilia Elephantine,1840-1908.

    3.The photo is my yielding to a predisposed memory of my childhood days. From this very spot I have felt both  an admiration and a profound sadness while watching the sea. The photo is a view of the sea from the ‘wharf’ in Brigus, Conception Bay, Newfoundland.





As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers Simon, called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me, Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”

At once, they left their nets and followed him.
Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James, son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father, Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.”
Matthew 4: 18-22 
 ( NIV)

Day in and day out, it had been a familiar routine for the four men Jesus now recruited to become His disciples. There was Peter and his brother Andrew and James and his brother John, who were all fishermen. Success in their trade demanded astute attention to detail. Early mornings and late evenings with a rollercoaster of unpredictable successes and failures in between. Still, the mysterious and neverending lure of the sea can never be ignored by those who, like the poet John Masefield, have contracted “Sea Fever”. For at least two of them, James and his brother John, there would be the additional concern for their father, who was no longer a young man and was most likely teaching his sons everything they knew about their trade. Did they never think of the day they would see their father joining the company of the old sea veterans, watching through misty eyes as their boat headed for the fishing ground without him? A feeling of helplessness would pervade such thought and always suggest it be a consideration for another day.
The occasion of our text, however, presents a different perspective.
We have been considering matters that challenge us constantly to seek answers from our local experts. But what happens next in this narrative takes us beyond all the physical analyses of our five senses to our inwardness. We must inquire personally about what is happening to us inwardly.
The immediacy of the response of the four fishermen to Jesus’s invitation to follow Him is unusual for worldings. Typically, we would seek examples of like experiences from the past before undertaking such an out-of-the-blue suggestion.

Could the occasion when Jesus attempted to recruit these four fishermen to become His disciples, God was already active. Perhaps even before their birth, God was preparing them for this very event yet to come to fruition! Throughout their life, they seemed to be preparing for this particular hour. Culture, religion, and their present history seemed likely catalysts for considering a career change! Undoubtedly, they knew the Jewish Scriptures of the Old Testament concerning their peoples’ living hope for a coming Messiah. Throughout history, the commonly accepted belief is that ‘God’s dwelling in the human spirit is the spring of Eternal Hope; as the early 18th-century English poet Alexander Pope expressed “, Hope springs eternal in the human breast. Man never is, but always to be blest”. Therefore, wherever God is, there is Hope. And changes necessary for the fulfilment of His purposes will come to be.

 From the beginning of creation, God destined us all to be His co-creators. With God’s promised help, we commit to removing the grim realities that prevent the world from being the perfect reflection of Heaven’s glorious kingdom that God intends.

The likelihood of the world reaching a status completely resembling Heaven will result when the human race willingly permits an absolute surrender of their being to the innate reality of God’s creation plan. The prevalence of ego consciousness in the world instils a sense of self-esteem and self-importance in us, which must become a personal conquest, as exemplified in Jesus Christ our Lord in His Absolute Surrender to God. Then shall a new day dawn with songs of thanksgiving that the prayers uttered by generations of Christian disciples are being visibly answered:

“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as in Heaven.

Hymn: Freely, Freely



A Prayer To Follow This Meditation

Conquering God,
The sound of Your command, “Be Still”, delivered to the fierce wind and raging seas, brought belief in miracles to overwhelmed disciples of Jesus caught in the storm’s fury.

Father, Please renew a triumphant belief in the miracle of Your conquering power in each of us. Inspire us to know that He who is with us is far more powerful than anyone or anything in this world. It is not until You conquer the self in each of us that the world sees God in human beings, thereby fulfilling its only Hope of its future glory.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

                                    Additional Notes

1. The photo is of the area in Brigus, Newfoundland, popularly known as “Middle Ridge”.
|2. The Biblical quotations in the text are from the NIV




On Being A Channel For God


On Bring A Channel For God

While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”
Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately, the leprosy left him”. Luke 5:12-16

Additional Scripture Reading: Philippians 1: 20 -30

We must prepare to use every means to ensure that the Gospel remains ‘The Living Word.’ ‘The Word’ became flesh’ and dwelt among us’ must forever be the distinguishing quality of this glorious Gospel.
Therefore, we are to
-Approach it with a poet’s heart.
– Understand it with a philosopher’s Spirit.
-And imagine it with the unimpeded faith of a child. 

The New Testament is not a linear expression of historical data. The entire Bible is a unique expression of the vicissitudes of human development in relationships with the Divine.
Here, there is a moan of pain.
There is a song burst of victory.
This page is wet with the tears of a suppliant!
Here, the hills are alive with the sounds of worshippers singing.

This meditation calls for your participation. Bring with you the gift of your imagination. And then, please God, as a result, you will become another channel through which the Living Word will again come into the world, now waiting in longing and hope.

“Hello, my name is Jesse!
Luke doesn’t tell you that. I only wish he had!
You see, a person’s name is the most important thing about him. It is the one thing that is especially his own!
The last tragedy to befall anyone is for them to lose their name!
Tragic it is to lose your health.
Tragic to lose your family and your friends.
But when a man isn’t worth remembering by name, that is the worst tragedy of all.

I lost my name the day that it became evident that I had contracted leprosy. See these hands? They did not always look like this! Once, they held our newborn baby. My skin was as clear as hers! And with my finger, I felt her first tooth!
My dim, old eyes were not always this way! Once, I looked upon the face of the most beautiful woman in this world. I watched the embers of the day glow; I watched the white dawn chase the grey from the morning sky! Then people heartily greeted me: Good morning, Jesse; may the Lord, Jehovah, go with you today, Jesse”.Then leprosy! And they all appeared to be searching for something lost in the cobblestones under their feet, and a deathly silence stole the sound of my name on their tongues. To this very day, I am introduced to you as “a man covered with leprosy”. But I want to cry out,” Look again! I am more than what you see with your physical eyes! Like us all, there is an inwardness to each of us that is far more important and potentially more complete than what our outward bodies reveal.

Please, don’t overlook that I have an inwardness which this leprosy, nor will anything else in all creation ever destroy. During the dark nights of despair, when sleep refused me respite, I felt an indomitable hope that everything would one day be better.

This inwardness is the home of that HOPE that one day I would meet someone who would see beyond my leprosy. So that I could show the world there is more than what we presently experience. There has to be someone out there who loves us, who cares about who We are and What we may yet become.

That day, I met a man called Jesus. And His Spirit met with my Spirit. I knew He saw farther than my physical impairments to deeper longings and aspirations. I tell you, at that moment, I recognized the footfall of God inside me. Without further thought, I uttered: “Lord, if you are willing, You can make me clean”. He responded with love and compassion. ” I am willing, be clean”.

 For each of us, the consideration is not whether He is willing to free our shackled spirits but whether we are eager for that to occur. 

A Prayer To Follow This Meditation

Merciful God,
You long for us, like the Father, whose son, yielding to the tempting promises of a far country, assigned his beloved father to an unending watch for his return to nobler things.
You have much greater expectations for each of us than those realities in the world that persuade us to be satisfied and at ease amid greed, corruption and division.
Father, Your Son taught us to pray, “May Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”. Give us the Grace and the Courage to say again, ” I will arise and come to my Father. Use me as a channel of Your Peace and the conveyor of Your Love and Mercy to all I meet. Then live with this assurance that Our Father’s response will be, ” You are my beloved child, in whom I am well pleased, welcome, thou, into my Kingdom! We pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Hymn: Make Me The Channel Of Thy Peace.


The photo is of Porterville United Church Of Canada, on the Lewisport Pastoral Charge, Newfoundland. I am personally indebted to my friend Dennis Porter for this beautiful photo.


The Mystery And The Majesty Of Righteousness

The Mystery And The Majesty Of Righteousness

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:20-31

Text “Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
He shall bring forth your Righteousness like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun”.
(Psalm 37: 5-6)

Scriptures of both the Old Testament and the New reveal an intimacy between the human quality of belief and the divine qualities of Righteousness. That, in itself, is part of a mystery. Belief is such a wavering emotion and subject to change. Righteousness is such a fixed and certain reality that the twain, belief, and Righteousness should never meet. Belief is temporal; Righteousness is eternal.

Still, belief is like the seedling that grows into a large plant that one day provides a home for the birds, as discussed in the Parable that Jesus told. (Matthew 13: 31-32).
That parable teaches that even the smallest amount of faith (belief) can significantly impact the world.
Furthermore, belief is the pulse-beat of Judaism and, subsequently, by association, Christianity.
 Of Old Testament fame, Abraham earned Righteousness by believing God’s promises, and he became known as the father of many nations, thus underscoring the indispensable quality of belief.
( see Romans 4: 16 -25 ) 

But where did that ability to believe God’s promises come from? 

 Some people trace their belief in God to some arresting phenomenon in nature, like the magnificence of dawn or the crimson glow of the setting sun. At the same time, others attribute such belief to overwhelming psychophysical events such as the birth of a child or the death of a loved one.

But what if the initiative to believe is in the Creator’s hands? And therefore, belief is the recalling of prenatal experiences engraved upon the Spirit of each subject. And what if each of us were at Home with our Heavenly Father in that dwelling not made by human hands but eternal in Heaven”?
And what if the act of creating the human race is God’s intention for us to become His co-creators, whereby worldly deficits
are satisfied by people empowered and endowed by God with the required talents and wisdom to satisfy?
Is that not a reasonable explanation for Abraham’s inspiring faith?
Yet, there is more!
Interwoven throughout the Divine’s will to establish His kingdom on earth, God prepares the members of the human race to be His prodigy by the everlasting promise, “Certainly, I will be with you!”
Herein is the eternal pledge to maintain an expected relation with God and thereby fulfil the mission for which each one is born. Abraham’s undaunted insistence that God was intimately involved in his life reveals this life’s most precious reality. Here, the mystery between belief and Righteousness is displayed in the first verse of the Bible, ” In the beginning God.”

Righteousness is the flooding of the human Spirit with the fullness of God, initiated by His grace and includes the capacity to strengthen one’s belief.
As enlightening and grateful as we are for the moving account of Abraham’s faithful experience, We have an even more excellent demonstration of faith and Righteousness. The Eternal’s promise to be always with His chosen Kingdom Builders, is, since Abraham’s day, translated into flesh and has dwelt on earth among us.

“It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.”   (1 Corinthians 1:30 NIV)

So it is today, amidst the cynic’s eager testimony, that religious institutions have outlived their usefulness and that we have failed in our mission. Then it is time for an encounter with your Righteousness.

Let Him show you again the reason You were sent here to earth. “And God sees you and the void waiting to be filled, and yet He concludes It is still a good match! ” And lo, I am with you always!

       A Prayer To Follow This Meditation

Father, a holy hush falls over us as we search our vocabularies for words to talk to You about the mystery and the majesty of Your Righteousness. That’s because it is a subject more demonstrative of Heaven than of Earth. And to realize that You desire to share that unspeakable gift with us finite beings leaves us awestruck but silent.

At the time of our arrival at our new beginnings here on earth, we were like the tiny mustard seed which Jesus talked about. With Your loving and gentle touch, the smallest of seeds grows into a tree and a home for the songbirds, thus adding to the earth’s symphony of praise.

Righteousness is the mystery of You, our Heavenly Father, sharing Your fullness with us so that one day, we, too, may add to this world’s most beautiful symphony with the harmony of our lives. How precious to us is Your gracious word: “Beloved, now are we the children of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as He is.” (1 John 3:2)
“. Praise God through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hymn: Joy To The World




Meditations Save draft


                   WHEN THE LAMP FLICKERS

Scripture Reading: John 8: 12-20

 Psalm 19:105 Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Text)

This text is in heartfelt gratitude to God by one who has discovered the fulfilment of the Divine’s promise to accompany all like him on life’s journey. Although The Word precedes the fulfilled promise to this person, regardless, that Word is a sacred covenant between himself and God. Time and again, The Word arrives like an unseen presence, offering to lead to still waters and green fields. Consequently, souls staggering under torturing emotions become peaceful and serene once more. The Word is a medium from outside a self to be light in the deepest darkness, threatening to take one’s soul hostage.

In the final analysis, however, those who testify of any permanence of the experience of The Word BEING The Lamp that brightens their way are far fewer than those who sadly wish that ‘ The Lamp’ would never flicker. It is sad but true that even many churchgoers hearing the text, “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path,” long for more revealing evidence for themselves and concerning their efforts to change a hurting world. Is it not the flickering of the Lamp that induces such uncertainty? 

The Old Testament is rife with images of humans caught in diverse situations that flip quickly between celestial light leading them and the dense darkness of a moonless night enveloping them. 

Job, once a wealthy man of respect, was regarded as a man of deep faith. In time, Job becomes tragically forsaken by family and friends. In extreme poverty, he sits alone, reduced to a heap of human misery, and finally, his wife, deeply pained by his condition, advises him to “curse God and die”.(Job 2:9)
But not for long does the “Dark Night of The Soul Prevail!” Instead, the Creator of light offers Job His steady hand to restore that flickering Lamp, and Job responds, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him”. (Job 13:15)

Long after the stream of time flowed through the land of UZ, where Job expressed his inspiring faith, God, seeing the complexities of an ever-changing world, responded. And, The Word, which God gave to light our way through this world, proved insufficient. Subsequently, The WORDBECAME FLESH AND DWELT AMONG US”  in the man Jesus.
But still, this world remained a rich environment for this human experience of The Flickering Lamp. On one occasion, there is a celebration for the glory of the lighted mind, and in the next moment, the fearsome darkness of the Flickering Lamp invades. The contradiction continued even though The Word, the Lamp given to light the human pathway, came in Jesus. A haunting question, dripping like molten lead on a naked brain, persisted: “What difference did Christ’s coming to dwell among humankind make? The Lamp of certainty still flickered!

Thomas was one of twelve chosen by Jesus to be one of His disciples. The scant material available concerning Thomas portrays him as one of solid loyalty and unwavering devotion. Jesus’ tenderness and patience were the hallmarks of this relationship. However, Thomas sought to deepen his understanding of Jesus more than once when confusion threatened to breed doubt. On one occasion, when Jesus informed His disciples of His forthcoming return to His Father and foretold them that they would later join Him there, Thomas intervened, “We do not know where you are going; therefore, how can we know the way”?

There it is! The flickering Lamp! 

Purely earthy limitations blind Thomas in his search to understand faith’s awesome mysteries. Every day’s journeying with Jesus intensified his desire to live like Him! Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6). 

With leaden steps, Thomas’ friends rendezvoused to share one another’s incapacitating grief over their crucified Lord. Thomas was missing from that company. He wasn’t there when “The Risen Son” electrified the atmosphere of the Upper Room. All restraint was abandoned! The whole world was alive, hailing the heavenly message, “He IS RISEN”!

But Thomas wasn’t there!

So, the others told him!

“I won’t believe it,” Thomas replied, “Until I see Him myself and feel the print of the nails, I will not believe it!!

Darkness threatened to extinguish the light in Thomas’soul! The Lamp Flickered!
‘But what made the undeniable change in his close friends’? Thomas wondered. They each glowed as though they reflected a light fixed internally. But the darkness for Thomas only grew deeper, until that night, sometime later, when they were all together again. And, Thomas was also there! Suddenly, Jesus,
The Risen One”, was there with them!

     Then Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and look at my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and  believe.”
Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”
 Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:27-29).

There was a noticeable brilliance in the light that shone in the world that night. And, to this hour, hidden in our malignant doubts and fears, the ever-present Christ reveals Himself as the master over the experience of our flickering lamps.

The Prophet Isaiah wrote a most revealing Word for his people, Israel, worthy of remembrance still:
“I will give you the treasures of darkness
And hidden riches of secret places,
That you may know that I, the Lord,
Who calls you by your name,
I Am the God of Israel”. (Isaiah 45: 3)

       A Prayer To Follow This Meditation

Father, my Father,
in Your hands is the indispensable gift of light that first shone through the dark abyss during creation. At Your command, the light revealed the innumerable possibilities hidden in that darkness. Among those possibilities, You fashioned humankind in Your image, to share Your creative desire to enlighten their habitation to resemble Heaven, the home from whence they came. Consequently, You gave them Your Word to be a lamp for their feet and a light to shine upon their path.

But in time, humans deliberately chose darkness over light” (John 3:18-20). “The Lamp flickered”.

FatherYou responded to the darkness, “and the Word became Flesh and dwelt among us”. But as the light increased, so did the human desire for darkness. The darkness deepened until the day a Cross was set with a sickening thud on Golgotha. “And darkness covered the whole land”.

But now, twenty centuries after, this thunderous chorus  echoes through heaven and earth: 

” Hallelujah! GHRIST IS RISEN”! And although our lamps of faith and action still flicker occasionally, it is not without the embedded certainty that when our Lamp in this world flickers, “The Light of The World ” is never far behind!
This very night, as dense darkness of hatred and war creeps over the world’s horizon, it’s time for the world’s inhabitants to reflect the Light of the One who dwells within each of us. 

For Your Love’s sake and for Your world, we pray. Amen.
Hymn:  Let There Be Light



Editorial Notes
I wish to acknowledge the outstanding photography in this post as the work of a Newfoundland photographer
Ray Mackey. It is used here with much pride and many thanks.





The Trumpet Sounds Within My Soul


The Trumpet Sounds Within My Soul

“Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and wealthy. He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man, he could not see over the crowd.” Luke 19: 2-3

Zacchaeus was a very wealthy chief tax collector living in Jericho. On one occasion, when Jesus was to pass through town, Zacchaeus was determined to see who He was. The crowds on this occasion were massive, so Zacchaeus, driven by compulsion, climbs into a sycamore tree to fulfil his mission!

“But Zacchaeus, what unimaginable force lay behind a man of your position and notoriety to undertake such seeming ridiculous action? Scaling the heights of a sycamore tree, indeed”! Do you not hear the insulting vibes from the jeering crowds?”

 A subsequent condemnation of Zacchaeus by his fellow citizens was a summary statement concerning him: ” This man is no child of Abraham as we are; he is a sinner”. Zacchaeus knew only too well the pain of such exclusivity, based mainly upon his profession. But, as revealed later in this account, he would give virtually anything to be called “friend” by another human!

Undoubtedly, a power mightier than anything found in this world often visited the profound loneliness of this man’s soul. 

There is, available to every member of the human family, a capacity that turns ashes into roses and loneliness into a symphony of love. This capacity is what Zacchaeus found, or more precisely, It found Zacchaeus!

Truthfully, it matters not how one identifies this occurrence; it is undeniably a part of our humanness, an intervention by otherworldliness.

We are left to ponder the details of the seeming outside intervention involving Zacchaeus. Perhaps it started with his experiences of empty aloneness! It was so with Jesus while in the desert during His temptations. The record informs us that,t finally, angels came and ministered to Him. 

Day and night, night and day, whether in the tax booth or walking along the seashore with the lonely cry of the seagulls accompanying him, Zacchaeus was alone! Truthfully, it is often the long night watches, when sleep evades us, that God selects as His time of visitation. Or, as the African American Spiritual has it:

   “My Lord, calls me,
  He calls me in the thunder.
His trumpet sounds within my soul.
I ain’t got long to stay here”.

Before the present narrative begins, it is evident that ” The trumpet of the Lord ” sounded clearly in Zacchaeus’s soul. Now, its sound obliterates the sounds of mistrust and suspicion against him and any self-ponderance of what some might see as inappropriate behaviour disappeared like a morning mist. 

 In a candid statement, Luke tells us much in just a few words. Zacchaeus “wanted to see who Jesus was”. On this occasion, Zacchaeus notices the enthusiastic crowds, their faces glowing with delight and approval. He recognises almost every face in the present group, but in their closer company, he sees only faces reflecting hearts of stone.

And then, the outcome! The final part of the narrative. Let the trumpet now play a version of “The Hallelujah Chorus!” Zacchaeus no longer has to stay in the place of constant longing and ill-fated dreams. 

No more is Zacchesus besieged by thoughts of being equipped by God to share some innate goodness with his neighbours and friends who, until this moment, have rejected him. But listen, there is not to be anywhere found a human being who bears the likeness of God, who is not equipped to share some personal gift for the betterment of his race. 

Listen to the trumpet sounding in your soul and live as a child of God. Be eager to be inclusive, and see worth in all you meet. Be quick to love and slow to judge. Remember Jesus’ admonishment to the critics of Zacchaeu: Zacchaeus, too, is a child of God! 

 ( Luke 19: 9-10)

A Prayer to follow this meditation

My Father,
The sound of Your trumpet in my soul is an
  occurrence for which I am eternally grateful.

Sometimes, when the cares of this world weigh me down and threaten to overwhelm me, Your trumpet refocuses my soul to walk with You beside the still waters and into the green fields.

Sometimes, when words of faith are derided and made light of in the group, the temptation is to blend anonymously into the background. The trumpet sounds within my soul. Fear evaporates, and the Lord provides the opportunity to offer His defence in love.

Other times, I hear Your trumpet in the dark of the night when sleep refuses to interrupt the not-so-pleasant memories of my day’s performance. Then the trumpet’s sounding announces God’s calling time, and, before long, in complete reassurance, I fall asleep in Your arms.
Father, in Your merciful love, may I continue to hear Your trumpet’s guiding sound until I reach the gates of my heavenly home.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Hymn: Where He Leads ME, I Will Follow





 Additional Reading Luke 4: 1- 13. “The Temptations Of Jesus”

Text Psalm 71: 4-5

” Deliver me, my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of those who are evil and cruel. For you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth”.

The ancient Greek dictum,” Know Thyself”, was carved in stone at the entrance of the temple of Apollo at Delphi, Greece. The” Know Thyself” inscription has encouraged people of all ages to search for self-understanding. Consequently, that undertaking quickly reveals that the essence of one’s life is not to be searched for in the world outside but within one’s self. “To know oneself seems to be the easiest thing of all, yet it is the hardest,” concludes one ancient philosopher. And so it remains to this hour.

Now, we will accept this challenging invitation to Know Thyself by first exploring the experiences of David, Israel’s one-time famous king, as told by himself in Psalm 71  of The Old Testament.

It becomes clear to readers at the outset of this Psalm that David’s self-knowledge takes him immediately beyond the confines of the present world. Consequently, an unrelenting search inside himself reveals that God is waiting, ready to satisfy his quest.
You have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth. From birth, I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.” (Psalm 71: 4-6).
It remains a fact established over aeons that by accepting the challenge to “Know Thyself,” one must, from the outset, know that humans can only know themselves by knowing God first.
But notice David is not granted immunity from the pitfalls that seem to be woven into the very fabric of man’s world. Instead, threats become the cornerstone of emerging faith, and victory lies hidden in the fiercest temptations. Wise is the man who, like David, calls to memory faith’s prior conquests when threatening foes are on his very threshold.

 “Know Thyself” is the consciousness of God being present within a person. And therefore, one can survey all worldly situations with the aid of divine introspection.

 It is remarkable how David, in this Psalm, portrays the make-up of a human being; body, mind and Spirit, still used in modern Psychology to describe the connection between all three aspects of our being, the mental, the physical and the spiritual. (2)

Quite naturally, David, a resident of a worldly community, shares its material and physical and mental features. Therefore David is acquainted with the critical nature of some fellow citizens. Their suspicions often result in physical threats and wholesale condemnation of another person’s successes. But, like a basketweave throughout the first portion of David’s Psalm, consciousness of the immediate danger to his body prompts him to seek refuge and deliverance from his God, thus revealing his spiritual stance.
Nevertheless, the preservation of the body is part of one’s identity in the physical world, where tradition dictates that one is responsible for defending himself against all threats. Consequently
, the mind urges David to fight fire with fire as the only legitimate response to protect the body from imminent threats. To do otherwise is considered a sign of weakness. ” May my accusers perish in shame. May those who want to harm me be covered with scorn and disgrace.” David concludes.
(vs 13)

But, in David’s case, running parallel throughout this weave, there is the memory of a more noble thought:  “From birth, I have relied on You. You have been my hope, O Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth.” David’s return to his origin is not a new beginning out of nothing but a restoration. And so it remains for everyone who answers the call to ” Know Thyself”.
 As He prepares to begin His earthly ministry, the New Testament record of Jesus, the Son Of God, deals with the cruel onslaught of worldly temptations. In the end, Jesus demonstrates the essential requirements for his followers: “Love the Lord, Thy God, with all thy heart, and thereby be enabled to “Know Thyself,” 


O God of such tender love, mercy, and wisdom that I am
lost in wonder, praise and awe.
I marvel that You placed us incomplete in this world where so many attractive resources promise to satisfy our pressing quest for completion.

You also reserved a private space for each one of us. From here, you gently reveal with love to everyone that to become overpowered in the world’s riches and eventually name them ‘mine’ is to remain incomplete forever.

 You whisper from Your dwelling place within me, “Hold all the world’s riches in your spirit, thus transforming them into things of lasting beauty, and finally give them back to the world transformed by the love of God! Thank You, whispering, God, I trust You to lead me aright. Continue to lead me to know myself and express a living, passionate love for You as Jesus did. Amen.
Hymn: Be Still My Soul



  1. Scripture references are from the NIV translation.
  2. Meaning of Body Mind and Spirit
    mind body and spirit meanings – Search (

3. Hymn Youtube as indicated at the site.