The account of our Lord Jesus Christ’s Passion as it is recorded by the various Gospel writers. ( Click on the link )
A Prayer To Be Said By All Following This Reading
Father, my heart reaches for words that quickly vanish into vapour. I want to run from the scene, yet my feet, of their own accord, forces me closer to the Cross. I want to look into the face of Jesus, but my eyes melt, and my vision becomes blurred by the stark portrayal of His amazing Love for me! At that moment, I see beyond what I am to what He yet wants me to be!
My lips, abandoned by sound, form the words
” Thank You.” I notice then that His eyes turn away from me and turn towards the city, where from His Cross, He observes still the many cruel crosses, weighted with human burdens, that are being thrust into the heart of the earth. My gaze follows His. Then the challenge falls upon me, like molten lead dripping on a naked brain, ” Whom shall I send, and who will go for Me?” I seem to hear Him say.” A response, scarcely above a whisper, escapes my lips. But in my heart, the sound of a thousand silver trumpets announces my response,
” Here I am Lord, send me. Your Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all. Father, into Thy hands, I commend my spirit, Jesus teaches me to pray.” Amen.
Hymn: O Sacred Head Now Wounded