


Genesis 15:6
Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.

Matthew 17:20
Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”

When you encounter a person, who is like a shelter from a fierce wind ; when you meet someone, who with speech that is punctuated with bitter sobs, tells you the story of an encounter with The One who changed tragedy into triumph; On the day you become aware, through facts relayed by a fellow pilgrim, that vast resources beyond all that appears to be, lie waiting for anyone who will believe, then on that day lift your eyes and rejoice, for on that day you see victories belonging to Faith. When God-consciousness takes the place of human consciousness, then is the world on the verge of a new and lasting rebirth.
The Old Testament personage, Abraham, owns the designation  “Father Of Faith.” Abraham, surrounded as he is by the verities of his historical setting, dares to lift his eyes and sees God.

The world is loud in its proclamation that no one transcends the laws that govern the natural world. However, Abraham sees ‘Eternity’ unshackled, in the ‘Face of God.’ Unspeakable treasures are waiting for him, just beyond the veil of the things that are. Accordingly, God’s promise to Abraham, that he is destined to be ”the Father of many nations’, might have been dismissed without further thought, since there was no heir and Sarai, Abraham’s wife was past childbearing age. Fate laughed in ‘ the Face of Providence,’ but in that same ‘Face, Abraham saw what was yet to be. Fate and Providence are often in conflict at the heart of many unsolved dilemmas of this world!
Abraham shows us Faith that inspires. To this very day, when we observe something of its kind, there is longing for the germ of that noble way of living, to be the possession of all, and thereby fulfill God’s initial plan to distinguish the human race from all other species.
Faith is that attitude that dares to look beyond the smug complacency of the world’s fatalistic conclusions and seeks for and finds God. Faith turns a deaf ear to the roar of the crowd, demanding that ” It is futile to try!” You may be left standing alone, but ever secure in the knowledge that the Eternal God is with you. That is what Faith is!

Abraham experiences the strain of a corrupt religion that is gaining momentum throughout the world of his day. Even some members of his own family likely abandoned the faith of their forebears, like Noah. Abraham never left Jehovah for the idolatry of Ur. He and Sarai were willing to stand out as different from that idolatrous community. If we are to develop genuine faith, we need a similar spirit. We too must be willing to stand alone and to be different.
The demand for faith is the hallmark of the Old Testament! It’s prophets, priests, and kings make its claim their mantra. The effulgent rays of their faith light the pathway of many of its participants, right to Bethlehem’s manger, where there lies before the world the very epitome of faith become flesh!

Given that the life of faith finds such a remarkable expression throughout the Sacred Word of the Old Testament, how much more available is the ability to live the life of faith, in the Company of the One who is the very essence of faith. Jesus demonstrated throughout His life the victories of faith and finally at the moment of His death announced one final victory of Faith’s eternal reward: “Father into Your Hands I commend my spirit.” Herein is Faith herein is Hope, herein is Abundant Life!

Somewhere there is recorded a story of an elderly parishioner, who towards the end of his life sought his minister to help him prepare for the final journey. He informed the minister of the difficulty he experienced when he knelt beside his bed to say his evening prayers.” I sometimes fall asleep there on my knees”, the troubled man, confessed. The minister, a seasoned suppliant himself, felt the old man’s deep distress. ” John,” he offered,” why not place a chair beside your bed, and imagine Jesus sitting there beside your bed. John, talk to Him like you are now talking to me. Tell Him your longings, your sorrows, your sad times and your times of happiness, and the blessings for which you are genuinely grateful. Tell Him everything and listen to Him speak to you.” Sometime later, the minister made another pastoral call and was delighted to see that John had taken his suggestion. ” Yes,” John, eagerly relayed, “I practice His Presence every day, and especially at bedtime. You know, I am as sure of His being there beside me, as I am of you being there now beside me.”
It was sometime following that John’s distraught daughter came to inform the minister of his passing. ” I so regret that I wasn’t present with him when my dad died she said. He was obviously in need of something. He was reaching for something on the chair “.’ No, my child”, responded, the man of God,” not something, your dad was reaching out his hand to Someone.” Tenderly the minister related the story surrounding the empty chair that for some time occupied a place beside her father’s bed.” You see your dad through simple faith when the time was here, stretched out his hand to hold the hand of His Friend, and together they passed through the gates of death into the place prepared for him. That is righteousness born of faith.

Open my eyes with the touch of Your Hand, so that I may see, how much I really need You, O Lord.

I do thank you for the gift of hearing, which permits me to listen to the caroling of the birds and the thunderous crash of the sea against the headlands of home. Thank you for the sound of a baby’s cooing, and the sound of words that reveals a loved one’s feelings of appreciation and love.

But Please, dear Lord, touch my ears so that I may hear, You speak to me of Your Eternal Love for all the members of the human race. Let me hear You say once more, as you look upon my effort to do my part to bring Heaven and earth closer together,” God saw that it was good.”

Lord, touch my heart that it might have a deeper capacity to hold more of You! Then in all that I see around me here on earth, will be lost in the brilliant light of Your Face everywhere I look. Then the only sound I will hear will be the sounds of love, like a symphony that is being played, under the direction of the only perfect conductor of life’s harmonies.
Lord, open my eyes to see,
My ears to hear,
My heart to Love,
So that in Faith, I may help fulfill Your dream of a Heavenly World Where Your Will is done as it is in Heaven.  And all for the sake of Your Love for us and the World! Amen.

Hymn: My Faith Looks Up To Thee



  1. The Scripture references are from the New International Version of the Bible
  2. PHOTO: Taken at our summer cottage, ( SHALOM)  at Michael’s Harbour, Newfoundland.



Thank you again Rev Frank. I enjoy your meditations and Reread today you lovely post. . I give thanks daily for my faith and for your comments. God is so good and I am very blessed. HUGS

Many thanks, Barbara, my friend; your evaluation of this post is much appreciated.

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