

You may gain a further understanding of the meditation that follows, a reading of the suggested scriptures will be most helpful. The Editorial Notes at the end of the post may prove to be beneficial)

Suggested Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 3: 1 – 18

2 Corinthians 3:18
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the LORD’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the LORD, who is the Spirit.

The Biblical narrative of creation recorded in Genesis, ascribes to the Almighty the formation of each animal, bird, and creatures of land and sea, after its unique kind.
Each one leaves the hand of the Creator as ‘a fait accompli.’ They are destined to survive in” nature, red in tooth and claw”, depending upon their unique instinct for survival. Humankind, in contrast, is the one species which remains in God’s workshop throughout the entire experience of earthly existence. Humankind is ever the subject of an imperfect verb, denoting a continuing action. It is this truth that St. Paul expounds in a letter to the Corinthians.” We too are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
Because it is of our nature to appeal to our intellectual ability to understand all things, this supernatural mystery often seems “like an idle tale; empty talk, or silly story.”
( see Luke 24:11)
According to the beliefs confirmed by his own experiences, St. Paul, suggests that there is a “Veil” either physical or psychological, that distorts or completely obstructs one’s ability to comprehend the reality concerning the eternal. In the case of Moses, as the suggested  scripture indicates, the veil is physical, in the case of the Resurrection of Jesus, lack of faith, and the obsession with common worldly wisdom, was in consequence, the “Veil.”
Hear of the celebration of the poet John Masefield upon having that veil removed in his life:

“O glory of the lighted mind.
How dead I’d been, how dumb, how blind.
The station brook, to my new eyes,
Was babbling out of Paradise,
The waters rushing from the rain
Were singing Christ has risen again.
I thought all earthly creatures knelt
From rapture of the joy I felt.
The narrow station-wall’s brick ledge,
The wild hop withering in the hedge,
The lights in huntsman’s upper story
Were parts of an eternal glory,
Were God’s eternal garden flowers.
I stood in bliss at this for hours.”(1)

Another thing essential in the contemplation of the progressive transformation experience, according to St Paul, is the prospect of the individual reflecting” the Lord’s glory.”
It is acceptable these days when referring to our totality as human beings to use the phrase “body-mind (soul) and spirit. The body is that aspect of being that relates one to the physical, material world. The spirit is that aspect of being that refers to what is right, and beautiful, to hope and to the transforming power; to God! The mind or soul is the vehicle of choice making. Here decisions are made either to accept the persuasive influences of the body and its addictions to the world or to follow the more subtle persuasions of the spirit and the impact of the eternal.
The soul’s conscious decision to yield to the spirits’ promptings is to walk in the light of the Lord and to reflect His Glory progressively.

” Speak thou to Him, for He heareth.
And Spirit with Spirit shall meet.
Closer is He than breathing,
Nearer than hands and feet.”(2)

Some years ago my Pastoral Care responsibilities brought me to Trudy’s hospital bedside. Trudy, at that time, was near the end of her life’s journey. She had suffered many long, painful months of chemotherapy but her brain tumor was not responsive.
There is one incredible attribute of this lady I feel compelled to divulge. It was what seemed to be her natural ability” on all occasions to reflect the Lord’s glory.” She remained utterly unabashed concerning her belief in God. She portrayed with more transparency than ever before, the destiny now awaiting her. These facts were testified to by the almost constant stream of visitors to her bedside.
One morning my friend and colleague of another faith community, and I, were carrying out our routine responsibilities, when we learned from the night nursing supervisor, that it had been a particularly difficult night for Trudy. Immediately, acting upon the request of our informant, we both entered Trudy’s room. There was ample evidence within the surroundings that the night had been long with undefinable pain, and the heroic attempts to relieve it. My colleague broke the silence: ” Trudy, we understand that you had a very difficult night.” ” Yes, ” she said, her voice bearing the evidence of the memory of how difficult it had been. But then there was an immediate and remarkable change in her tone. ” It was the most horrible night I have ever lived, but did you boys see the sunrise this morning? I never saw such glory in all my life.” We both had to admit that we had not seen the sunrise that morning. “There,” she said, managing an angelic smile,” I didn’t sleep much last night, but I saw the sunrise. It was a consolation gift from God; He wanted me to know that: ‘pain may endure for the night, but joy comes with the morning.'” ( Psalm 30:5) Later we both admitted to each other while we did not experience the sunrise that morning, in Trudy’s response we had seen the glory of the Lord.


Father, there is a glory in every sunrise that you give to us, reminding us of the Glory of Your dwelling place. You order the sun to come into our world to dispel the lingering shadows of the night. That fact reminds us of the coming of Your Son from the glory of Heaven, to lift every shadow from the souls of Your children, so that each may see and believe.
As the sun slowly makes its way to the western horizon, so also may Your Son progressively gain victory in our lives, thereby leaving a trail of beauty at the end of our day
As the sun with its healing rays, reaches at high noon to the far corners of the world, bringing warmth and growth, so may Your Son’s influence penetrate the drawn shades of this world, to let the glory of Your Presence with us be known anew. In His Name and for His Glory, AMEN

                                                   EDITORIAL NOTES

1. Here and throughout this meditation, the quotations from the Holy Bible are from the New International Translation, Unless otherwise noted in the text.
2.Nicholson & Lee, eds. The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse. 1917.
337. From ‘The Everlasting Mercy’
By John Masefield

3.The Higher Pantheism
By Alfred, Lord Tennyson

(4) PHOTO: Is the courtesy of granddaughter MARTHA WOOLFREY. It is taken in Twillingate, Newfoundland.

HYMN: O Love, That Wilt Not Let Me


This meditation Rev. Frank, has reminded me to look for and find the Glory Of our Lord in something somewhere every day! And I know my philosophy to find joy everyday has helped me keep a positive outlook on life!
Thank you for your continued inspiration.

Blessings, My friend. And many thanks for your continual support. May the summer bring many blessings to you and your family!

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