

Hi ,and welcome to each person who comes to this site either by chance or by design!

The site is dedicated to all who keep alive within their hearts , a prayer for the Peace of the world and Peace within for themselves.

I will offer a fresh introduction to the transforming Friendship of Jesus Christ , but most emphatically,  I will not disparage any path that has led you into the Eternal Presence of God. Any resulting discourse will be between  you and Him! All are Welcome! Come in and be at Peace!

You will not find here the answer to every question nor the propounding of such truth that will satisfy your every need. If, however, you find any help within the pages that follow,  please say a wee prayer and leave the door ajar so that others may find an easy access to the site!

Thanks for coming and have a blessed day and a peaceful life.

3 replies on “WELCOME TO THIS SITE”

I think the world needs more sites like this – a place where a hand is extended in love – not in self-righteous indignation. In a time where Peace seems ever more elusive and people in positions of power appear ever more bent on divisiveness and conflict we need places of inclusion, assurance, and faith. May God Bless You.

Hi Kathy:
Many thanks for your kind evaluation. Your words of encouragement are deeply appreciated!

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